“It’s more like a confession.”


She turns her head and faces me, those steel gray eyes peering into my soul. “I feel like there’s no easy way to say this, so I should just say it. Like, blurt it out.”

“Sierra, I can take it—whatever it is.”

It’s a lie. My heart pounds, wondering what she has to say. Is she kicking us out? Does she want to stop this? Have I gone too far?

She swallows and tugs the sheet just over the swell of her perfect breasts.

“I sucked Holden’s dick the other night. In the guard shack. It was my idea. I just…I don’t know, got a little wild.”

I lay there as she speaks, processing the information. My brain tells me to be furious. Offended. Betrayed. My heart doesn’t take that path. “You like Holden?”

She rolls over to face me fully, sheet falling enough for me to get a good look at her ample cleavage. “I do. I like you, too. I like all of you.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Even Smith.”

She grimaces. “That’s complicated.”

I sigh, running my hand through my hair. Her relationship with Smith is actually more concerning than her sucking off Holden, because when he finds out she’s fucking both of us after we made a deal to stay away from her…

“Are you upset?” she asks.

“No, I’m not.”

She frowns and sits up on her elbow. The half-moon of her brown nipple peeking out from under the sheet. “You’re not?”

“Remember how you told me about your brother and his friends are all dating that one girl? How they all can give her something that individually they can’t?”


“I’ve been thinking about that a lot. Holden and Smith are my best friends. We’ve been through a lot together. So much. And the one thing that never seems to work is women, because they don’t like the fact we’re so close. They feel threatened by it. You’re not like that, and maybe this is why. Maybe we all know there’s room for more in our lives than one person.”

She touches my bicep with a warm hand. “I like how close you all are. It reminds me of the boys at home.”

I lean over and kiss her gently on the mouth, our tongues stroking together.

“Thank you for telling me,” I say. She sighs and falls back against the pillow, the worried expression back on her face. “What?”

“I’m going to have to tell Holden.”

“He doesn’t know?” I’m a little surprised, but not fully. He would have said something if he knew Sierra and I are sleeping together.

“Do you think he’ll be mad?”

“Holden? Probably not. Just be honest with him. He’ll be honest in return.” If he can get past his insecurities, he’ll likely be as into it as I am. This girl, she’s worth a little sacrifice.

“What about Smith?

“That’s a whole other situation.”

“Should we tell him?”

I curl into her, wanting her warmth. “I think you need to work on your relationship with Smith first, then we can tell him about the rest of this.”

She nods and presses her lips against mine.