He smiles and gives me a thumbs up. “Perfect.”

Once I’m inside, I realize I want a million nights like this. A million days with Dexter and whatever

we need to do to make sure that happens, I’ll do it.



Seventh period and afterschool clubs are cancelled that day for the homecoming pep rally. All the football players, cheerleaders, and dance team are excused from 6th period, which gives me and Claire a little peace in gym.

“I’m sorry about all that the other night at the party,” she says. We’re spotting one another with sit-ups. It’s my turn and she’s pushing down on my feet. “I didn’t mean to drag you into the Christina-Claire feud.”

I struggle with the last sit-up, then hold myself, feeling the ache in my abs. “It’s not your fault. I wanted to come.” I look at her carefully. “Jake told me what happened. It sucks that she told everyone about…you know.”

“That I’m gay? Yeah, it does suck. It wasn’t her place to do it. But that’s how she is. It’s all about power plays and staying on top. She’s a bitch.”

“I’m sorry if Jake spoke out of turn.”

“He didn’t. He’d asked if it was okay and I said yes. He’s a good guy.”

“He really is.”

“Has Christina found out that you’re going to homecoming with him yet?” she asks.

“I don’t know, but she’ll know soon enough, right?”

“I suspect shit is going to hit the fan sooner than later.”

“What do you mean?”

“They’re announcing the homecoming court at the pep rally today. Although I’ve done everything I can to change the outcome, there’s little doubt Jake and Chris will both be on it. She’ll try to pin him down.”

What had she done? I didn’t ask. I’m not sure I want to know. If I’m being honest, I’m not really even really worried about this situation. I trust Jake and know he has no interest in Christina. I just don’t like the idea of her hijacking our weekend or the threat of being on her bad side. There’s no doubt she’s vindictive.

The coach blows the whistle and we change in the locker room. Claire’s swiping a layer of mascara on her long eyelashes when she asks, “Want to sit with me in the gym?”


During times like this, when the whole school is piling into one part of the building or the other, I get uncomfortable. I’m not used to crowds this size. I grab on to Claire’s arm so I don’t get left behind.

We pass the cheerleaders just outside the gym and Christina sees us and laughs. “Look who finally found a girlfriend.”

Claire glances down at my hand. I frown and say, “Ignore her.”

“It would be so much easier if I could punch her in the face,” she mutters.

I laugh, which makes Christina’s eyes narrow suspiciously. “She’s exhausting,” I say once we’re in the cavernous gym. I spot Dexter and Charlie on the bleachers and point to them. We all squeeze together.

“You doing okay?” Charlie asks.

“Crowds like this kind of freak me out.”

“And we had a run-in with Christina,” Claire adds.

“That girl is the worst,” Dexter says.

“Sorry about that,” I say to Claire. “I was afraid I’d lose you.”