His eyes hold mine and I think he’s going to say something else but he just leans forward kissing me again.

I should feel bad about missing Jake on the field. Or not supporting George on the sidelines. I should, but I don’t. I feel better than I’ve ever felt before and something tells me they’d understand.



“Hey man, Starlee’s here,” Charlie says on the way to his room. He glances in the bathroom and stops, eyes wide at the bruise on my side. “Holy shit, that happened at the game?”

“Yeah,” I say, wincing as I pull my shirt over my head. “I got slammed pretty hard.”

“Did you show Sierra?”

I make a face. “No, but the trainer saw it. I’m just icing it.”

“Talk to George, I’m sure he knows some tricks.”

If anyone knew how to heal a bruise, it would be him. I take one last look in the mirror, sweeping my hair out of my eyes, before grabbing my backpack out of my room and heading downstairs.

“How was the first week of school?” Sierra’s voice carries down the hallway.

“Overwhelming, but not bad,” Starlee says. My heart flip flops just hearing her. “My classes are okay. I guess it’s just getting used to the chaos and energy. It was me and my mom for so long.”

“Have you talked to her?”

“My mom?” Starlee clarifies before her tone turns defiant. “Not really. She’s hurt and angry, but there’s not anything she can do.”

“No, but take it from someone that knows, forgiveness is important. I understand why you left—just try not to let the wounds fester.”

“That’s more on her than me.”

I don’t give Sierra a chance to respond, stepping into the doorway. I’m tall enough that I have to duck, and Starlee’s eyes light up when she sees me. I feel the smile on my face. I can’t help it.

“I’ll let you two get to studying.” Sierra grabs her phone off the counter. “Thanks for taking time off your Sunday afternoon to help him.”

“It’s not a problem,” Starlee replies.

“Just wait.” Sierra snorts on her way out of the room and I shoot her a dirty look.

“What was that about?”

“Sierra thinks I’m a pain to study with. I promise I’ll be on good behavior.” Which I mean, I truly, really mean, but as soon as I sit next to Starlee I’m engulfed in her scent and I’m immediately distracted.

“So what homework do you have?”

“I have an essay due Wednesday on the book we’re reading.”

Starlee flips open her notebook and starts to scribble on the paper. Her hair falls over her shoulder and I push it back, brushing her neck in the process. She smiles and I see the hint of red on her skin. If only I could kiss her once, I’d be able to focus.

“What book are you reading?”

“Great Gatsby.” I bend down, fighting past the pain in my side, and fish the book out of my bag.

“How much have you read so far?”


Her eyebrows raise. “None? How long have you had it?”