“You okay?”


I tilt my head, watching her twist her hair into a knot away from her neck. I reach out to grab a few tendrils but she swats my hand away. “Not in front of her.”

“She’s not here.”

Summer shoots me a glare. “She’s observant.”

“And what? She can’t know we’re friends? She’s a reporter. Seems like it’s better to be upfront.”

“Not with this. She’s got an angle I can’t quite figure out. I’m not even sure why she’s talking to me so much.”

I shrug. “Your mom’s out of town and she needs more information. I don’t think it’s unusual.” She fans herself and I can feel the stress coming off of her. “Listen, your mom will be home in a few days. We’ll have the party and everything will be done. We can hang the rest of the break.”

She nods. “I know you’re right. I’m just being weird.”

“Too much time in secret relationships—you’re getting paranoid.”

“Maybe there’s something wrong with me,” she says suddenly. “It’s like I can’t help but get myself into these situations. Hiding my relationships from everyone. Juggling secrets.”

“You don’t have to.”

“Yeah, Nick. I do.” She sighs. “It’s not just that. I feel bad about you seeing me like that—knowing Justin was inside.”

I frown. “Why?”

“It just feels rude. Insensitive.”

I stretch my arm out on the wall, palm first, and hold her gaze. “Babe, this situation is wide open for all of us. We know. We’re good. You think we don’t talk? He told us he was going over last night.”

“He did?”

“You’re living in that trailer alone, and although the area is safe and Anita is nearby, we’re going to be careful.”

Her eyes soften. “I don’t think Mason worried about my safety, ever.”

“Mason’s a dick.”

“Thank you, for watching out for me.”

“Babe, you’re the most important thing in our lives. Don’t underestimate our desire to protect you.”

The door swings open, followed by Shay lowering her wide, black sunglasses down to her nose. I drop my arm and say, “So what time should I bring the photographs over to the store?”

“The uh, the store opens at ten. One of us will be there the rest of the day.”


“Oh, you’re talking about the photography exhibit during the party! It’s going to be fantastic. I can’t wait to see them.” Shay gushes, oblivious to our intimacy a moment before.

“The whole night is going to be amazing,” Summer adds.

“Do you think we could stop somewhere for a drink? It’s so dusty and hot out here.”

“Sure, there’s a café just down the road. Then we can swing by the crime scene and head back to Ocean Beach,” I say, taking over. Summer doesn’t just need to be protected from possible crime. She needs to be protected, buffered from this woman, and that is something I can definitely do.