I stop and narrow my eyes, again that smirk is too much. Too there, and I finally ask, “You did this on purpose, didn’t you?”

“Why do you think they sent me?”

There’s no doubt, not one single doubt who the “they” is he’s referring to.

“They knew? They sent you to have sex with me?

Nick shrugs his big, dumb, wide shoulders again before saying, “Everyone has a gift, Summer. I’m just really good at being persuasive.”

His eyes hold a challenge, one that despite the taxi idling at the curb, I can’t pass up. “Oh really? Are you persuasive or your cock?”

Horn honks. 8:05. My phone buzzes. Irene texting—my reminder.

“Does it matter?”

His cock, barely hidden beneath the sheet, seems to know the answer. God, everyone other than me probably knows the answer. Without another word I walk back down the hall and get the driver’s attention. This time I wave him on. To leave, because there’s no way I’m walking away from Nick naked in my bed. Not his body, not his face, not his being. Because he ties me back to the others and there’s no chance in hell I’m leaving them, either. Not yet. Not before I get the chance to see them again and figure out where this can go.

I walk back into the room and dig out the plane tickets before crawling back in the bed. I’m greeted by Nick’s hard body and warm lips.

“I guess I don’t need this,” I say, holding up the ticket. Fate didn’t want me on that plane, and even though I’m enjoying it, I’m not sure fate wants me in this bed, either.

“Didn’t I hear you guys say there’s a big Fourth of July party at the beach?”


“You think we can make it?”

He smiles, relieved and happy. “I definitely think we can make it.” His hand skims down my waist, lingering over my bare bottom other than the lacy panties.

“It’s a long drive, shouldn’t we get moving?”

His lips sear across my shoulder. “Once we get back I’m going to have to share you with the others, so give me another few minutes to enjoy this.”

He doesn’t give me a chance to respond, capturing my lips with his, and I figure that yeah, he does deserve a little more time, but not much, because I can’t wait to get back to the beach.

Chapter 20

There’s no hesitation about my first stop when I get back to Ocean Beach. Nick drops me and my luggage off at the main house. A tire swing hangs from the giant shade tree and bright plastic toys are littered around the yard. I leave my bag at the bottom of the steps and knock on the aluminum screen door.

“Sibley, stay out of the cookie jar, you hear,” Anita shouts over her shoulder before turns to face the door—and me. She stops short.

“Hi,” I say tentatively.

“Hello,” she crosses her arms defensively but I can tell she is surprised to see me.

“I came by to apologize. I never should have run off like that.”

“No, you shouldn’t have. I was worried about you.” She frowns. “And I missed you.”

“I know. I had to take care of some stuff back home and kind of get my head back on straight.”

“The teacher?”

“Yep. That’s done. He won’t be a problem anymore—hopefully not for anyone. I’m sorry he came down here.”

“He needed an old-school ass-kicking,” she says with a grunt.

“Yeah, I heard Whit gave him that black eye. Did he get in trouble?”