My mother was standing with my father, falling right into the role of minister’s wife. Nausea rolled through my stomach.

“I guess I am.”

The gray-haired lady looked up as my parents approached. She raised her eyebrows at my dad. “Just saying hello to your daughter. I’m hoping things settle down for her now that you’re back home.”

He doesn’t respond to that but his eyes set on me and I squirmed as he sent her on her way.

“I see everyone here is as judgmental as ever,” I said, feeling no shame.

“They mean well,” he replied. “Following God’s will is a challenge, Heaven. Even for the most faithful.”

He was so smug.

“Well, this was great and everything,” I said, “but now that the dog and pony show is over, I really need to get back. Amber and I leave in a few days and I have a bunch of stuff to pack.”

“I’ll go get the car, sweetie,” my mother says, making a break for it. I don’t blame her.

My father grabbed me gently by the elbow. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about your housing accommodations at the university.”

“What about them?”

“I took the liberty of contacting the school and learned you’d signed up for co-ed housing?” he asked.


“Well, I changed it to the all-girls dormitory.”

“You—you can’t do that. Amber and I already got our dorm assignment.”

“I’m aware of that,” he said. “But since I’m paying for your education now, I feel like I have the right to some of the decisions being made—and co-ed housing is out.”

“You’re paying for my education?”

I almost laughed. He hadn’t paid for anything since he was gone. Not a dime.

“Yes, since I’ve returned here as associate pastor, Oceanside has offered me a generous salary. I’ve also spoken to your mother. It will be a huge relief to her to have assistance on this.”

I swallowed. My mother had been working hard to cover just the first semester of school and financial aid was taking care of the rest. I’d planned on getting a job for extra expenses. But if Mom didn’t have to pay, then she could stop taking double-shifts. She could rest a little.

“Mom knows about this?” I asked.

“I ran it by her.”

Which means he told her what was happening. This was how he always was. Bossy and controlling.

“I can’t back out on Amber.”

“I wouldn’t expect you to. Your friend should stay in appropriate housing as well. If it makes it better, I secured you a suite in the new Stetson Hall. Comes with a bathroom and a kitchenette.”

I blinked. “Those are impossible to get.”

He shrugged. “Someone owed me a favor. I secured you two a room to share. How does that sound?”

“No extra cost?” I asked. Amber’s parents aren’t broke, but Stetson Hall is the most expensive dorm on campus.

“None.” He smiled, knowing he’d snared me like a hare. “Like I said, someone on campus owed me a favor. It’s all taken care of.”

A favor? I didn’t want to know what kind of business dealings my father had on campus. Just because he was religious didn’t mean he was legit.