I wrinkled my nose. “That’s ridiculous and a little gross.”

He laughed and shrugged. “Now I get it, because that is the sexiest damn thing I’ve ever seen.”

I pressed my back into the bathroom door frame and looked into Oliver’s eyes. What was going on here? I’d been certain he’d come over early because my mom had a shift at work and I needed watching. All the guys had kept their flirting pretty PG since I’d returned home—sliding right back into protective mode. We’d watched a lot of Netflix and shared a lot of hand-holding and kisses. It’d been nice.

But right now? Oliver wasn’t giving me babysitter vibes.

“I really should probably change.”

His eyes flicked over to me. “Are you sure about that?”

His hand connected with my hip and his eyes searched mine. I pushed up on my toes and touched his cheek before kissing him. It started slow, his mouth and tongue exploring mine. His hand inched up my side, brushing underneath my bare breast.

Oliver swallowed and held my eye. “Before all this went down you told us not to hold back, that you weren’t a fragile, vulnerable girl. You’re the strongest person I know, Heaven. So incredibly strong.” He cupped my face with his hands and his voice trembled as he spoke. “I’d never held out on you. Not once. I was waiting for the right time—the right moment. We could have fucked at any point. In the car, in my apartment, behind the dugout at the field, but that’s not what I’ve ever wanted with you.”

His words rushed over me, bold and honest. His hands slid down my shoulders and around my waist. He pulled me tight and whispered in my ear. “When you’re ready—if you’re ready—I want to make love to you, Heaven Reeves. I want to adore you, worship every inch of you.”

Tingling warmth spread through my body and limbs. I loved the feel of his body close to mine; the weight, the want. He looked like a movie star in that tux but he held me in my ratty clothes like I was already in my fancy dress.

“Now,” I told him. “Let’s do it now.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Now? I didn’t mean now.”

“I don’t care.”

“We have, like, forty-five minutes.”

“We’ll be late.”

A slow grin appeared on his face combined with dark intensity in his eyes. He leaned forward, licking my bottom lip. I snaked my arms around his neck and he lifted me, carrying me over to the bed. After laying me on the bed he said, “I’ve got to get off this suit before I destroy it.”

I nodded and watched him undress. Shrugging off his coat and tugging the bowtie out of his collar. He fumbled with the buttons, revealing his muscular chest. I fought a laugh as he draped it over my desk chair along with his pants. My smile froze when I saw him in his shorts, erection hard and pushing for freedom. I’d known Oliver was big—and not that I compared, but lord, he was bigger than the others. He climbed on the bed and kissed my ankles. He moved up my calves and I seized when he reached the soft spot behind my knees.

“That tickles,” I said, squirming away.

“I know.” He continued, slowly making his way up my inner thigh. “I like it when you get riled up and squirm.”

He pushed at my shorts before reaching for the waist and tugging them down. Coming back, he kissed my hips, my belly, and reached for my breasts. I wanted him badly and god he was patient. I should have known this from how long it took us to get here. How he’d bided his time to do it the way he wanted. I sat up and re

ached for his neck, “I love you, do you know that?”

His eyes lit with fire. “Yeah, I think I do.”

The remainder of our clothes fell and I tried not to gawk at his size when he finally kicked off his shorts. I was ready for him. So very much ready, and he took it slow, kissing me the whole time, loving me the whole time, whispering in my ear the whole time, until he filled me and I felt a special sense of completion.

“When I look to the stars you’re all I see,” he said, pushing inside and touching me the way I liked. “You’re the sun and the moon and everything in between.” I kissed him and he kissed me back. I rocked my hips and he rocked his, until there was no more talking, just the sound of two people in love, making love, being in love and all the ecstasy that came with it.



“I know this is a cliché, but damn it looks so small,” Oliver said, just outside the door.

“No, you’re right.” I studied the gym entrance, one I’d taken a million times before. “It does look small.”

“I guess it means something when you’re bigger than the place you came from, right?”

Bigger. Stronger. Whatever the word, I’d take it.