As predicted, Anderson didn’t make it to class on Thursday. He’d always been a dedicated student and athlete but the obligations to his sport had tripled since arriving at the University. He swam for the school team, which won the National Championship last year, and he’s also on the Olympic Development track, which means that his times and scores in each race are being monitored.

I’d noticed the strain it was taking—school, swim, training, friends, us. Finding time to do it all was increasingly challenging and I felt like at least I could help him with his test tomorrow. Ease a little of the stress.

After class, I got the extra study guide from the TA and turned to leave the auditorium. Ruthie blocked my path. A small frown marred her mouth. “What’s that for?”

I held up the guide. “Oh, my friend Anderson had training today for a big competition starting tonight. I told him I’d get his copy.”

“He’s lucky to have a friend like you.” She smirked. “Although I don’t think he’d have a problem getting someone to bring him his school work, if you know what I mean.” When I didn’t reply she rolled her eyes. “He’s freaking hot, Heaven. I swear you’re so used to those guys you don’t even realize how genetically superior they are.”

“I notice,” I said, casually. Damn. I noticed.

“Well, Samantha told me Oliver’s gay so that takes one out of commission. What about Anderson? Would he be interested in a different study date?” She flipped her red hair over her shoulder and batted her eyelashes at me.

Wait what? Was she trying to boot me? Hell no.

I swallowed back my annoyance. “Anderson and I have been study partners in science since the 9th grade. We sort of have a system.”

“A fresh set of eyes isn’t a bad idea.”

“He’s also like, the biggest pain in the ass ever. Grumpy as hell.” Not a lie. “And he’s super particular—like totally anal about his work.” I flashed her a semi-fake grimace. He really was OCD about it all. “Not that you’re not meticulous, I’m just saying, studying with Anderson is a chore—not a pleasure.”

“Yeah, but his shoulders…”

“Are as broad as the side of a barn, I hear you girl. I hear you.”

“Well, if he’s that bad, what do you get out of it?”

We stopped outside the building, where dozens of students milled around. I clutched my bag to my chest. “Loyalty. Laughter. Friendship.” I held her eye in case she wanted to challenge me. “Anderson and I have been through a lot and we’re really close. We’ll always be close.”

Her eyes narrowed and she placed a hand on her hip. “Seems like you’re a little territorial over these boys. You’re ‘sort of’ dating Jackson and occasionally see Hayden. Oliver is suddenly gay and off the market and now no one is allowed to study with Anderson? What’s really going on here?”

I wasn’t sure what her accusation was about. Did she just think I was a jealous friend? Or a loser that clung to these guys?

Anger rolled over me. “The relationship I have with these guys is none of your fucking business, Ruthie. If you want to make a play on one of them, be my guest. In fact, go after Anderson. You have my blessing.”

“You don’t have to be such a bitch.”

“Well, you don’t have to leave your hair products all over the bathroom counter, either.”

She drew back and laughed. “Are you calling me a slob? Your pile of laundry is the size of a mountain.”

I sighed, knowing this was a stupid argument—although the bathroom thing had been bothering me for a long time. I rubbed my temple. “I’ve got to get this to Anderson before he leaves for his swim meet.”

She blinked at me and then stormed off, leaving me in the middle of the walkway alone. Okay, maybe I didn’t handle that well and maybe I did have some territory issues with the Allendale Four that were being revealed now that we were in college.

I tucked the study guide into my bag and walked across campus. I knew juggling four boyfriends was going to be rough—I just didn’t realize how much.


I walked through the quiet halls of Anderson’s dormitory relishing a moment of peace after the argument with Ruthie. Knowing Anderson was already stressed about his upcoming meet and the test tomorrow, I didn’t want to unload on him about something as trivial as two girls fighting over hair products and men. Anderson had lightened up a bit since high school, but he still had little patience for drama.

I knocked on the door. When he didn’t answer, I pushed it open and found Anderson sitting at his desk with headphones clamped over his ears. His wide shoulders bounced a little with the beat and I heard the tap of his pencil following along.

Closing the door, I dropped my bag on the floor and walked over. He still didn’t notice me, but I couldn’t stop watching him in this unguarded moment. Standing behind him, I lightly placed my hands on his shoulders and he jumped, startled at my touch, and spun around in his seat, already removing the headphones.

“Jesus Christ,” he breathed. “You scared the hell out of me.”

“Sorry,” I said, not really sorry at all. I pushed my fingers through his hair and he closed his eyes. I couldn’t help but notice the tension in his jaw and shoulders, along with the slight strain tugging at the corners of his eyes. “You okay?”