“Are you sure you’re ready for more?” Anderson asked.

“Yes, I’m sure.”

“It’s hard,” Anderson said slowly, “Because the line between love and lust is thin and I don’t think any of us ever want to give the idea that we’re taking advantage.”

“What if I want you to take advantage?” I asked, adding a little laugh. “You know I get horny too, right? It’s not just a guy thing.”

Hayden swallowed thickly. “You know you can’t just say things like that.”

“But I can! That’s what I’m saying. I want you. I want your bodies. But I also love the way you love me.” I look at Anderson. “That line between love and lust needs to be blurred.”

“I’m game.” Jackson said. “We’ll do it your way, or rather the way it feels natural between each of us.”

“Right,” Hayden agreed. “No more stopping.”

“Or frustrated, cold showers,” I muttered.

Shocked eyebrows shot to the sky and Oliver’s hand squeezed mine. The room was so quiet I could’ve heard a pin drop. Jackson opened his mouth to speak, the corner of his lips quirked up, but my phone buzzed—breaking the silence.

I took a peek. “It’s Amber. I promised I’d get coffee with her and then go shopping for some last-minute school supplies.”

Hayden cleared his throat. “For the record, I tried to walk Amber home last night, but she brushed me off for someone else.”

“A guy?” As much as I loved Benjamin, it was time for her to move on—play the field a little.

Oliver shook his head. “No, not a guy.”

I remember the blonde standing at the game table between him and Amber the night before. I knew it was time for her to move on b

ut I didn’t expect…wow.

I smiled. “I’ll definitely get details.”

“And now that school has started I’m going to make a group calendar for us—so we can keep track of everyone’s classes and activities,” Anderson said, swiveling in the chair.

“Good,” I said. “I don’t want to miss anyone’s games or events.”

I stood to leave but Oliver tugged me back down to the bed. He engulfed me in his arms. “Thanks for coming to talk to us, H. Next time don’t take so long, okay?”

With the weight of my issue off my chest, everything felt different, freer, and I kissed them each on the forehead and left to find Amber. I was excited and maybe a little bit scared. I saw the hunger in their eyes. I’d felt their need. It was possible I’d just opened a box that I couldn’t seal back, but I suspected we’d have fun figuring it out.


The first three days of classes went smoothly; if you considered getting lost twice, forgetting to turn off my cell phone during class and watching the girls of the university discover the Allendale Four, smooth.

“Three different girls came up to Anderson after our Intro to Biology class this week,” I grumbled to Amber. “I was standing right there.”

“I’m sure he didn’t notice.”

“Who knows with him. You know he has a stone-cold expression.” It was nice having Bio with him. It was kind of like old times but in a much bigger setting. The chemistry between us was just as intense as it had been back in high school—only now we weren’t sitting behind lab tables but in a large lecture hall. Just today his leg brushed against mine and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I shot him a death stare and passed him a note.

No touching in class.

Why not?

The smirk on his mouth told me he knew the answer but I scribbled it down anyway.

Because I don’t think our classmates want an actual biology lesson on reproduction, that’s why.