If dating four guys in high school was rough, I figured college would only get easier. At least, that was what movies taught me.

Along with the increase in freedom and the decrease of adult supervision, and the addition of a less judgmental environment for sexual experimentation, it had to be better, right?

Those were my thoughts before my graduation party. My only concerns were trying not to get an 8:30 a.m. class, figuring out my meal card, and how to make sure one of the boys didn’t feel left out (oh yeah, that happened.) My biggest other worry involved a talk I wanted to have with the guys about our relationship. It wasn’t like there was anything wrong. No. Things were great. I was just ready to take things to a different level, and talking to one guy about sex was awkward enough, not to mention four.

But then graduation happened and I didn’t even get to have that talk before shit hit the fan. Of course, shit hit the fan. Should I have expected differently? Assumed life would be smooth sailing after the harassment and bullying in high school? Sure, I wanted the fairytale ending. The happily ever after. The riding off in the sunset. I deserved it. My guys deserved it, but none of us are stupid enough to expect it. So, in the end, despite all the progress I’d made, I still had a lot of trust issues. Friend issues. Self-advocation issues and apparently…family issues, cockblocking my way to a happily ever after.

Good thing I still had the Allendale Four.


The Mustang rumbled down the road, top down. The rush of the wind felt similar to the rush I felt inside.

“We did it. I can’t believe we did it.” I said, glancing over at Oliver. His hair whipped in the air.

He rested his hand on my knee and squeezed, sending a familiar shock of electricity across my skin. “Can’t believe we graduated?”

“Graduated. Survived. Whatever you want to call it.” I eased out of the blue graduation gown and tossed it and the cap in the back.

The loud roar of an engine barreled next to us, the tall Jeep dwarfing the antique Mustang in its shadow. Hayden smiled down at me from the driver’s seat. Jackson winked and blew me a kiss. Anderson’s green eyes burned into mine and like always, I felt the heat from knowing these guys were mine.

“See you at the house!” Hayden shouted, passing us.

“I also can’t believe my mom is throwing a party,” I said, watching them go. I had no doubt they’re up to something. A surprise? A gift? I’d been suspicious ever since they suggested we take separate cars.

The truth was that I’d been working up to talking to them about something, and every time I thought about it, nerves of apprehension flared in my belly. I’d hoped after a week of exams, graduation activities, parties and preparation, we could finally find some time alone to talk about it, but I had a feeling it would move to the back burner.


“Your mom has chilled out a lot in the past few months,” Oliver replied. “I think she feels bad for everything getting so out of control in the fall.”

“If her guilt means we get to be together judgment-free, then I’ll deal with a stupid party.”

My mother had been one of the ones to blame the Allendale Four for the bullying and harassment that happened to me earlier in the year. She freaked out and kept me from them, which led to some scary moments with my depression and anxiety. But between finding out the truth--that it had really been her boss’s stepson--and getting to know the guys a little better, (and that they weren’t just with me to get in my pants—okay maybe a little bit, but the feeling was mutual) she’d relaxed.

Oliver glanced over at me, eyebrow raised. We were a block over from my house and there was no mistaking the line of cars on the side of the road. My mom had invited a surprising number of people. After the scrutiny of the last year—the Fakestagram accounts and making new friends—other people didn’t panic me so much anymore.

Or at least that was my thought, until Oliver turned in the driveway and his fingers linked with mine—more for support than anything else. An older model, but still shiny, black Mercedes sat next to my mother’s beat-up truck.

I squeezed Oliver’s hand. Tight.

“That’s my…” I looked over at him; my heart beating irrationally. Excitement. Fear. Anxiety. Oliver nodded, but a line of stress furrowed between his eyebrows. He’d known.

“Surprise…your dad’s here.” He lifted my fingers to his mouth and kissed the back of my hand, fully aware of my shock. “Your mom made us promise and you know we’ve been working to get on her good side—you know, trying to ease her into the idea we’re all going to school together.”

Surely, dating one guy had its own set of issues. Dating four? Not only are there relationship challenges, time management, and regular drama, but navigating other people and their expectations was hard. I’d love to just say fuck it. Fuck them, but it wasn’t entirely realistic. Especially when I was still living at home and depended upon my parents’ money to pay for college.

I watched as Hayden, Jackson, and Anderson walked down the driveway. Hayden Pierce is tall and muscular—star goalie of the Allendale soccer team and recipient of a full scholarship to the University. Matching in height is Anderson Thompson—with his lean swimmer’s body; all torso and broad shoulders. His reddish-brown hair glinted in the fading sunlight. Between them walked Jackson Hall, blonde with a swagger and smile that threatened to break the heart of any girl that crossed his path.

Normally, the three oozed an unstoppable confidence. They had each other. They had me. But today, there was an apprehension in their moves, and I followed their gaze to the front porch.

“It’ll be fine,” Oliver said, eyes glued to the man standing under the “Congratulations!” banner. My father stood there in an expensive suit, watching me—us. “At least he’s not holding a shotgun.”