When he insisted on paying the check, I knew for sure he was enjoying himself.

Ellis couldn’t wait to get his hands on Mr. Gray Hoodie. He was itching for a fight.

I already knew what he would say as we gathered our things and headed to the door.

“I’ll take care of our friend—get Fiona and Hannah to the car. Have Brian bring them back to Gabe’s.”

“Why Gabe’s?”

“Because he has a guesthouse filled with Betts Security agents,” Ellis snapped. “I want Fiona safe while I call Levi and figure out what do with this guy.”

He pretended to casually scroll through his phone, buying himself time as Mr. Gray Hoodie paid his check.

“Fine, but once I get them settled, I’m coming with you.”

“I’ll be at the other SUV.”

One arm firmly around Hannah and one eye firmly on Fiona, I texted Brian. He drove up immediately, scanning the parking lot as he idled the SUV. Before the women could protest, I opened the back door and “helped” them inside—I offered Fiona my hand, which she accepted, but I had to practically shove Hannah inside the car.

She looked up at me balefully, clearly angry but also on the verge of tears. “I don’t know why you’re doing this.” Her voice shook, and Fiona winced next to her.

“I’ll be fine—it’s no big deal.” I leaned down and planted a firm kiss on her lips so she could feel how much I meant it.

“Can’t you come with us instead?” she begged.

“I can’t—I have to help Ellis.” I hated to be separated from her, and Ellis would probably be just fine, but I wasn’t going to miss out on the opportunity to find out more about the man who’d followed us. “Honestly? He isn’t going to let me do much. He needs to flex his muscles.”

“O-okay.” Hannah tried to sound brave, but her eyes filled with tears. “But please be safe.”

I turned to Brian, who looked annoyed by all the kissing and the crying. “We have four backup vehicles,” he said. “Two for you and Ellis, two for me. I’ll head back to Gabe’s now and make sure Fiona and Hannah are safe.”

“Thanks, Bri.”

“Did you hear from Levi?”

“Not yet.”

Brian put the SUV into Drive. “Okay, buddy. Please be safe.”

In a rare attempt at humor, he fluttered his eyelashes, clearly imitating Hannah.

“Have I told you lately that you’re sort of a dick?”

Brian grinned. “No.”

“You’re sort of a dick.”

Hannah seconded that from the backseat.

Brian shrugged. “I know—sorry, Hannah. Wes, totally not sorry.”

He sped off, taking my heart with him—and yeah, I knew what Brian would say to that. Dick. Sighing, I looked for my brother.

And then I realized I still had my heart—because it jumped into my throat when I spotted him across the parking lot, beating Mr. Gray Hoodie to a pulp in broad daylight.

Chapter 21
