“I guess that’s my answer.” Wes stood and held his hand out for me.

We said good night to Lauren and Gabe, and Wes wrapped his arm protectively around me as we headed to our bedroom. “I’d pick you up and carry you, but I know you’d just yell at me.”

I yawned again. “You’re right about that.”

“Are you sick, baby? Or just run-down?”

“I think it’s just stress, honestly. Which can totally suppress your immune system.” Another helpful thing I’d learned from Grey’s Anatomy.

“Ah. Make sure you drink a green smoothie tomorrow.”

I scow

led at him. “I will. You can stop making fun of me now.”

We took turns brushing our teeth and putting our pajamas on. I sat up and arranged myself sexily on the bed as I waited for Wes, but unfortunately, I couldn’t keep my eyes open.


I woke up to Wes tucking me in. “Hi.”

He kissed my forehead. “Hi.”

I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck. “I love you.”

He grinned down at me. “I love you, too.” But instead of coming close for a deep kiss, he wound his arms around me and pulled me against his chest. “Shh, go back to sleep. I got you.”

I nestled against his big body. “I thought we were going to do our homework.”

Dr. Karen hadn’t given us any, but I’d begun to enjoy bragging about our sex life during therapy.

“Tomorrow. Tonight, I can tell my baby needs to sleep.”

“Okay.” It came out mumbled, because even as the word left my lips, I was drifting off.

I woke up to the sun streaming through the windows. I looked at the clock and sat up with a start. “Wes! Why’d you let me sleep so late!”

I squinted at the time—could that be right? I’d slept ten hours.

He stuck his head out of the bathroom, shaving cream covering half his face. “You didn’t budge all night—no nightmares again. I think you’re finally past them. Your body’s probably resting from all the drama. You just need to catch up on your sleep.”

I hustled out of bed. “I need to catch up on my work!”

I bolted past him, stripping out of my pajamas and throwing them on the floor, turning the shower knob on forcefully. I hated being late for work. If I didn’t wash my hair, I might be able to get out of here in time…

Wes finished shaving, then stuck his head in the shower. “Is there room for me in there?”

“No,” I said, grumpily applying shower gel to myself.

He slid in anyway, and I tried not to ogle his enormous, chiseled body. Damn but that evil Ashley did nice work.

He caught me eyeing his chest appreciatively and grinned. “Busted.”

I started to rinse off. “Am not.”

He poked me—I looked down and saw it had been with his huge erection that seemed to be reaching for me across the shower stall.

I fake-frowned at him. “Busted.”