“My source is good—everything’s fine.” Hannah’s brow furrowed into a deep v. “Why are you in the guesthouse? Are they having you interview Carey?”

“Jesus, you’re involved in this, too?” Bethany flung up her hands and issued another litany of curses.

We probably should have had her interview Carey. Bethany could be little scary, and we hadn’t gotten that far with him.

Levi came out of the room then and closed the door behind him, the lines in his face etched deeper from lack of sleep. He looked wary when Bethany turned her scowl his way.

“I’m hoping you have some kind of explanation?” she asked. “The kind that keeps my client out of jail for being a criminal accessory?”

He held up his hands, as if in surrender. “Lauren’s not involved in any way—this is my company’s deal. She can’t be implicated whatsoever.”

“This is her house,” Bethany said. “What were you thinking?”

Levi stalked toward her, the muscles in his jaw clenched. “I was thinking that it’d be safer for Lauren and for everyone if we didn’t let Li Na’s little henchmen stalk, murder, or kidnap anyone else for a change. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, and all.”

“Has he actually told you anything useful?” Bethany didn’t sound impressed.

Levi examined his knuckles, which were bloody. “Not yet. I’m working on it.”

Bethany shook her head.

“Why don’t you let us talk to him?” Hannah offered. “He might appreciate a fresh approach—one that doesn’t involve beating on him. We might be able to motivate him.”

I put myself between her and the doorway. “No way, babe.”

Hannah arched an eyebrow. “I didn’t ask you, babe—I asked your boss.”

Levi rubbed his forehead as if he had a headache.

Bethany crossed her arms. “I can only go in there if Levi’s my client. Otherwise, I can’t protect him from this mess—I need attorney-client privilege for that.”

“If you think you can get somewhere, I’d be happy to retain you. Maybe we can discuss it over dinner?” Levi chuckled darkly as Bethany’s cheeks flushed.

“I’ll get him to talk. Is there a guard in there?”


“Then we should be fine.” Bethany stalked around him, careful to keep her distance.

Hannah moved to follow, but I blocked her again.

“Back off,” she said. “This is my company and my family, too, dammit. Don’t treat me like a child!”

I didn’t want to treat her badly, but I also didn’t want her anywhere near harm’s way. I took a deep breath, reconciling these competing desires. “Can I at least come in with you?”

Her face softened. “Of course you can.”

Levi motioned us toward the door. “I’d come, too, but I’m pretty sure Carey’s had enough of me for one night.”

“You don’t say,” Bethany muttered under her breath.

“Can’t wait to hear how it goes.” Levi smiled at her, largely undeterred. “I’ll be waiting right here so you can tell me all about it.”

Bethany just shook her head.

Inside the room, Carey appeared worse for wear. His jaw was bruised, and there was a fresh cut over his eyebrow. His hoodie was long gone, replaced by a rumpled, bloodstained T-shirt. He was handcuffed to the leg of a table and sat slumped over it.

I might’ve imagined it, but he seemed to perk up a little when Hannah and Bethany came into the room.