“Want to push our luck?” I climbed on top of him.

* * *

First thing Monday morning, Lauren eyed me over her mug of coffee. “Uh, everything okay?”

I beamed at her. “Everything’s great.”

She laughed.


“I’m guessing your skin isn’t glowing from a spa facial this weekend. And have you seen your hair yet this morning?” She handed me a coffee.

I took a grateful sip, then patted my hair. It felt like a rat’s nest. “No, why?”

“It’s a little wild.” She looked at me knowingly. “It sounded like…things…” She cleared her throat. “Things meaning your weekend…were still getting a little wild, too.”

I coughed, almost spitting out my coffee. “You did not just reference sex in a conversation with me.”

“Did so.”

“My virgin-prude sister is talking to me about sex?”

Lauren stuck out her tongue. “I’m engaged now. I haven’t been a virgin prude in quite some time—and last night, it sounded like you hadn’t been, either. Not to mention this morning.”

I shook my head and drank more coffee. “Never ever in a million years did I think you’d be able to have a conversation like this with a straight face.”

She shrugged. “I’ve loosened up. A little.”

“Well, good. It’s about time!”

Her expression turned serious. “Was everything all right?”

I hadn’t told her much, but my sister knew me well. I grinned.

“You heard me. It was more than all right.” I grabbed my coffee to go. “I need to get ready for work now, Miss Nosy Pants.”

“Okay, see you at the office…and if you happen to bump into Wes while you’re getting dressed, try to keep it down!”

* * *

“Leo gave me these for you to look at.” Lauren dumped a stack of files on my desk.

I opened them, surprised to find numerous pictures of Jiàn Innovations employees, along with brief bios. “What’s this?”

“You said we needed an informant inside Li Na’s company. These are the potential candidates,” Lauren said.

My stomach flipped. “You’re agreeing with me?”

She shrugged. “I’m agreeing it will make it easier for us to ascertain whether or not Li Na has fallen for the false prototype I’m uploading to our system early next week. I also want to track the status of the Protocol technology.”

My jaw dropped. “You’re really almost ready with the false prototype?”

She arched an eyebrow. “It isn’t one hundred percent yet. But Li Na doesn’t know that. I’m done screwing around with her, and I like your plan. I think it has…legs.”

“You like my plan? Since when?”

Lauren smiled as she headed for the door. “Since I took the weekend to think it through and feel certain that what we’re doing is for the greater good. So look through those files. Find someone we can intimidate without crossing a line of criminal threatening. I’d like to keep my baby sister out of jail long enough to be my maid of honor, thank you very much.”