She bit her lip, looking worried. “Are you sure you should be doing this—carrying me?”

I beamed down at her, relishing the feel of having her in my arms, her legs wrapped around my midsection. I was sore, I wasn’t back to normal yet, but I felt reinvigorated.

“Yep. After last night, I feel like I could do anything. But you know what we forgot to do…” My first thought this morning? Holy shit, we went bareback!

But the idea made me excited, not nervous. Maybe nervous-excited.

“I know,” Hannah groaned. “We totally got caught up in the moment! But it should be okay. Where I’m at in my cycle—I don’t think we need to freak out.”

“I’m not freaking out.” I grinned at her. “I freaking love you, though.”

She grinned back. “I freaking love you, too.” She started to say something, but stopped herself.


“What if we, you know…”

“What if I knocked you up?” I kissed her sweet lips. “Then you and I will have a beautiful baby together.” I put her down gently and took off my shirt. Hannah’s eyes traveled appreciatively up and down my torso.

Just like that, my dick got rock hard. Yes. I mentally fist pumped—confirmed!

I slid her T-shirt off and admired her pale, perfect skin in the sunlight.

She leaned forward and whispered, “Should we really be out here naked?”

I looked around the private courtyard, secluded by a high wall. “Absolutely.”

Hannah’s cheeks reddened as she eyed the small pool. “Won’t they hear us?”

I grinned at her. “Only if you scream your head off.” Which she totally would—a point of pride with me. I loved that she was loud. Her unabashed appreciation for our sex was a total turn-on.

“I’ll try to keep it down.” Her face flushed as she eyed my erection. “If I can.”

I laced my fingers through hers. “We can go back inside if you want.”

“No.” She leaned up on her tiptoes to kiss me, and the yearning I felt in her kiss made my heart somersault. I delved my hands into her blonde hair, pulling her against me as our tongues connected, sending zigzags of desire rippling through my body.

She pulled back and led me to the pool. Her self-consciousness of moments before disappeared. She stripped out of her panties and stepped languidly into the pool, which was totally sexy right up until she got in deeper and yelped, “It’s so cold!”

I chuckled and stripped out of my boxers. I climbed down into the pool, the cold water bracing against my thighs, my erection bobbing in front of me, determined to warm her up.

Hannah lifted herself up and sat on the edge of the pool, shivering, but with her legs spread open slightly to expose her glistening sex. I kissed her mouth, my hands traveling down her body, my thumbs stroking her perfect, pink nipples, which hardened under my touch.

“So beautiful.” My voice was a low growl.

Her skin grew hot underneath my touch.

Our kiss deepened, and she moaned as I slid my hand down to her sex, my fingers lazily circling her clit. Impatient, she moved against me so my hand ground against her harder. Then she cried out, already forgetting her vow of silence.

I chuckled, loving her impatience, loving her. Was it only yesterday we’d been skittish around each other and I’d been a nervous wreck about this?

It felt so good to be back I was already about to burst as the cool water lapped at me, my hand on Hannah’s blazing-hot, wet slit. She threw back her head and moaned as I stroked her, then leaned down and put my face between her legs.

She cried out as I licked her from her slit up to her clit.

“Oh, baby.” She slid her fingers into my hair. “I need you…”

I needed her, too, but I didn’t want to tear myself away from her glorious body. I needed her to know that I loved her, that she was mine, that I owned every inch of her body to honor, protect, and pleasure. I continued to lap at her clit, sucking it hard as she writhed beneath me. I put one finger gently inside her. She was already so wet, I slid in another, and then proceeded to thrust in and out as I nibbled and sucked on her clit.