“Why? It’s been months…she went through so much…”

“You’ve both been through so much,” she corrected me. “And as someone who is treating both of you, I think trying to make it especially special is putting too much pressure on the situation.”

“What do you recommend?”

“Go away this weekend, have a glass of wine, and then have sex. Don’t overthink it.” She shrugged. “I don’t think I’m violating patient confidentiality by telling you that Hannah is just as anxious as you are for things to get back to normal—the new normal—between you two. I think you should follow Hannah’s lead in a way that makes the experience just as authentic and healing for you.”

“I’ll see if I can do that.” If I can figure out what the hell that means.

She cocked her head and looked at me again. “Our time is almost up. Anything else you want to talk about?”

I was more than ready to be done, but I did need help with something. “Just one question.” I paused for a beat. “How can I tell Hannah I hate tofu?”

Karen almost spit her tea out. “She’s a vegetarian?”

“She eats fish. But she’s really pushing the tofu.”

Karen wrinkled her nose.

“She keeps making it for me. Marinated. Grilled. Infused with kimchi.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

I sighed. “Apparently, the fact that it’s a vegetable-based protein is going to save the world from climate change. And of course, she likes to stress the fact that it’s cruelty-free and Bambi didn’t have to die for it.”

“My ex-husband was vegan. I feel your pain.” Karen shuddered. “But Hannah’s feelings for you appear unconditional. Go ahead and order a nice steak this weekend.”

Maybe therapy wasn’t as bad as a slab of rectangular bean curd.

She smiled. “Have a nice weekend. I want you to come back and see me again next week—alone and with Hannah. I want to hear about your progress in the bedroom.”

On second thought…

* * *

Hannah slid off her blazer and looked curiously at our bed. “Baby? Why is our luggage out?”

“Because we’re going to Point Reyes for the weekend.”

Hannah put a hand on her hip and scowled. “Did my sister call you?”

Of course she did.

“No. I just thought it would be fun. You remember fun, don’t you?”

“Ha-ha. I invented fun.” She bit her lip. “I want to go, but there’s some stuff I really need to deal with.”

“Your boss gave you the weekend off. In fact, she insists.”

“I knew Lauren was behind this!”

I held up my hands. “I have good ideas too, you know. I booked a sick resort for us—and get this, it’s rated the ‘top green’ hotel in the country. They have poolside yoga. And an antioxidant smoothie bar.”

Hannah’s eyes lit up, and I chuckled.

“Are you teasing me?”

“A little. About the smoothie bar.”