Hannah looked up from her steel-cut oatmeal, sprinkled with berries and flaxseed, which she’d hardly touched. “I already told you I’m going. Fiona needs our support. I’m not skipping the service just because you’re worried about me.”

Lauren reached across the table and took Hannah’s hand. “You had something very scary happen to you yesterday. There’s no reason to minimize it, and there’s also no reason to push yourself.”

Hannah yanked her hand away and got up from the table. “I’m not pushing myself—I’m living. I love you, and I know you’re worried about me, but please stop driving me crazy! I’m going to get dressed.” She hustled off before Lauren could object.

Lauren put her face in her hands. “I don’t want to push, but I am seriously worried about her.”

“I know. I’m taking her to see Dr. Fisher later for a follow-up. I’ll make sure we find out exactly what’s going on and what we need to do.”

“Thank you.”

As I stood to leave, Lauren said, “Wes? With everything that’s happened, I haven’t asked how you are. Are you okay? It’s great to see you out of the wheelchair, but I want to make sure you aren’t pushing yourself. And yes, I do realize I sound like a broken record.”

“I’m fine. After we see Dr. Fisher, we’re headed to see Dr. Kim—hopefully, I’ll get a clean bill of health.”

Lauren bit her lip. “I want to ask you for something, but I know I’m overstepping.”

“Is it an overstep that protects your sister?”


“Then I’m in,” I said immediately.

“Would you consider asking her to go talk to someone?”

“A therapist?”

Lauren nodded.

I’d thought the same thing. “Yes, but I don’t know if she’d be open to it.”

“Would you offer to…go with her? You’ve both been through a lot.”

Therapy was not my idea of a good time, but I would do anything for Hannah—even if it involved talking about my feelings in front of a complete stranger. “If you think it’ll help, I’ll go.”

Lauren’s shoulders sagged in relief. “Thank you. I know it’s silly for you two to go to couples’ therapy, but I think that’s the only way she’ll agree.”

I bobbled at her words. “Why’s it silly?”

“Well, it’s not as if you two were really serious before all this happened. Couples’ therapy is usually for people in long-term, committed relationships.”

Her words cut me. Apparently, I wasn’t considered long-term potential—I guess they thought of me as more like the hired help. Who doesn’t read. “Oh. I see.”

She blinked at me—Lauren wasn’t the most socially astute person, but she could tell she’d said something wrong. “I just mean, it’s generous of you to offer to go.”

“Uh-huh.” I backed away before I did something stupid, like ask if Hannah had told her we weren’t serious. “We’re all going to the service in the same car this morning, right?”

“I have to go to Paragon afterwards, so Gabe and I will meet you there.” Lauren looked at me pleadingly. “Will you please make sure she’s okay to handle this? I know she doesn’t want me bugging her, but it’s going to be very emotional.”

“Of course I will. I promise, I’m looking out for her.” I could at least promise that.

“I know. And Wes?”


“Thank you. For everything.”

* * *