I called Timmy next. He was on the premises somewhere, probably drinking a protein shake and cracking his knuckles. “Clive Warren’s dead.”

“Oh… Wow,” Timmy said. That seemed to be the word of the day. “In jail?”

“Someone stabbed him. The guards found him this morning.”

“We need to increase your security,” he said immediately.

“I already talked to Eddie. He’s taking care of the premises. I only want you guarding me. You’re the only one I trust.” I paused for a beat. “Timmy, do you really trust Wes? With my sister’s life?”

Timmy grunted his assent. “He’s a brave kid, Ms. Taylor. He’s been through a lot. I trust him to protect her. He seems happy with the assignment.”

Wes and Hannah both seemed a little too happy with the assignment for my liking. I wanted him protecting my sister, not trying to date her. But that wasn’t the most important thing at the moment. “If you think he can keep my sister alive, that’s all I care about.”

“Does Mr. Betts know yet?” Timmy asked. “About Clive?” He seemed to like Gabe a lot. Maybe more than he liked me.

“Not yet,” I snapped and hung up.

I called Hannah. “Clive Warren’s dead,” I told her without preamble. “Someone in the jail stabbed him to death. And the FDA approval just came in.”

“Holy fuck,” Hannah said. “I’m going to have to figure out a PR spin for this one. Former board member killed in jail. By the way, Paragon’s patch is finally launching.”

“You’ll figure something out. You always do. Right now, I need you to come into the office. Bring clothes and pajamas. We’re having a lockdown. I have to get the patch out as soon as possible.”

“Am I bringing Wes?”

I sighed, feeling a major headache coming on. “As your bodyguard. Not as your plus-one, Hannah.”

“Since I’m going to be locked in the building with you, please try to improve your attitude,” she said. “Oh, wait—sorry. You have things to be reasonably upset about. It’s terrible about Clive. Did you talk to Gabe? Does he know about Clive? Are you two okay?”

“Yes. No. I don’t know,” I answered reflexively. “See you in a few, okay? Please be safe.” I hung up before she could ask me any more damned questions.

The thing was, I needed to call Gabe. I had to tell him about Clive, to warn him. Plus, he’d called fourteen times already that morning. If I didn’t want Stephanie to quit because she had to keep dealing with him, I needed to intervene. Gabe was the only one I could share Clive’s letter with. But I had to protect him—so before we spoke, I needed to be sure that it was a hundred-percent safe.

So I waited to call him back, even though I ached to hear his voice. I headed down to the lab to review the latest reports and check on the day’s progress.

When I emerged a few hours later, everyone was buzzing around with a nervous energy. Eddie had discussed the new security measures with each group. He also confirmed that the building was clear of listening devices—we were officially bug-free. Cell phones had been turned in, Internet connectivity had been shut off, and the race to launch was officially on.

Back in my office, I closed my eyes briefly. An image of Clive Warren, dead and bleeding onto a concrete floor, materialized.

My eyes snapped open. If Li Na wanted my patch, she was going to have to come and get it.

Over my dead body.

And while that might suit her just fine, I wasn’t going down without a fight.

Chapter 26

“Ms. Taylor?” Stephanie buzzed in, interrupting my train of thought.


“Gabriel Betts is downstairs—he just, um, stormed the lobby.” She coughed. “Security stopped him and he sort of…didn’t seem to appreciate it.”

I opened my mouth and then closed it, not capable of conjuring an appropriate response.

Security was calling on the other line. “I have to go, Stephanie—thanks for letting me know.”

“Ms. Taylor?” It was Eddie, sounding tense. “Mr. Betts is here to see you. He tried to come straight up to your office but we, uh, detained him and had him searched.”