“We are,” Dave said, his voice soothing. “We just wanted you to know right away.”

I nodded at them and tried to keep my emotions under control. “Thank you. The FBI wouldn’t have done that. It was probably Jiàn. Maybe they didn’t want the information available to the FBI or the people at Warren Technologies anymore.” I took a deep breath. “It doesn’t matter. Just keep an eye on it.”

“Are you okay?” asked Leo. He was staring at me, his brow furrowed in a deep V.

“Not really, but that’s not like it’s anything new, is it?” I grabbed my bag and rushed out, desperate to talk to Gabe.

Relief flooded me when I got to his office. I went through the door and saw him dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, his biceps on display.

But then, I remembered what was happening, and all hopes of re

lief fled.

I had to tell him about what Clive had said. And I had to tell him what I thought we should do about it—which he wasn’t going to like. Not one bit.

Gabe pulled me in for a quick hug and kissed the top of my head. “I thought we were meeting at home, but this is a welcome surprise.”

I pulled back shakily and sat down. I wanted nothing more than to be close to him, but I was too anxious to be held right now. “I had to see you right away.”

The softness that had been in his eyes when he saw me evaporated, replaced with wary concern. “What’s wrong?”

“I spoke to Clive today.”

“What? Why?”

“Something’s been…bothering me.” I fidgeted, picking imaginary lint from my skirt. “I don’t understand why he helped you.”

Gabe’s eyes pierced mine. “We already talked about this, Lauren. It doesn’t matter.”

“But it does. He…told me.” I felt the pinpricks of tears in my eyes. “He said that he wanted you out of jail because he wants you vulnerable. And that Jiàn is coming for us, and that I’m going to be last.”

“Babe.” He pulled me up and held me against him. “I might need to get arrested again just so I can break Clive’s stupid fucking face. I have had it with him messing with your head.”

“I’m being serious. He wasn’t messing with my head, Gabe. He said that I was going to be last but that I was going to wish I was first.” The tears were really threatening, and they weren’t for me.

They were for what I might lose.

“I don’t want you to get hurt. I just found you. I can’t let them take you from me.”

“No one’s taking me anywhere.” Gabe brushed the hair back from my face. “Clive’s crazy. You know that. And no one’s going to hurt me. No one’s even going to come close. I have an army of security living at my house. Most of my brother’s staff has relocated to the Valley in recent weeks.”

“Clive’s crazy, but he’s right about Jiàn. They want my technology, and if they can’t figure it out for themselves, that’s only going to be a speed bump for them, not an actual deterrent.”

The muscle in Gabe’s jaw twitched. “Lauren, I don’t give a fuck about Jiàn and what they classify as a deterrent. I’m not letting anyone near you—or me either. I want you to calm down. Give me a minute. I’ll pack up, and we can go home.”

I shook my head. “I can’t. I have to go back to work.”

“You aren’t going anywhere but home with me—”

“Gabe,” I cut him off. “My board wants me to launch the patch as soon as we get our final FDA approval. I’m going back to Paragon to try to make that happen. And I’m probably not leaving until it does.”

Gabe shrugged. “Then I’ll come with you. I can work from your office.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

The muscle in his jaw twitched again. “Why’s that?”

“Because I think it’s safer for you if you stay away from me.”