He held my chair out, and I sat down stiffly. The steakhouse was very opulent, with red velvet banquettes, heavy draperies, and ornate chandeliers. I felt underdressed, but there was little I could do about it.

I forced myself to smile at him. “This is very…nice.” I actually found the restaurant ostentatious and distasteful, but I kept that to myself. “Thank you for inviting me.”

He smiled, and I relaxed a little. “Oh please, let’s be honest—I’ve been making a fool out of myself, begging you to have dinner with me.”

Clive had been on Paragon’s board for a full year, and I’d gotten to know him reasonably well during that time. We’d parted on good terms when he relocated to China to oversee his company’s operations. Since he’d been back, he’d been busy with the patent he was developing for his own company, Warren Technologies. Clive’s company developed software and other high technology for use across a wide swath of industries, including healthcare.

Clive waited patiently while the waiter filled out wineglasses. “How is Paragon these days?”

My smile was genuine. “Very well, thank you. We’re still in clinical trials, but we’re also in the early stages of strategizing our introduction to the market.”

Clive pulled his glasses down and gazed at me over them, looking impressed. “Wow. I guess ‘very well’ is an understatement, then.”

I happily took a sip of wine. “I’m thrilled, as you can imagine.” The fact that my prototype was finally working was an amazing achievement.

“Well, cheers to your success.” Clive raised his glass to mine. “May it continue.”

I toasted him and took another small sip of wine. Although I enjoyed the warmth as it spread through me, I vowed not to drink much more. Wine plus my giddiness over the week’s achievements could result in too much relaxation. Based on the way Clive’s eyes kept wandering over me, I figured being relaxed wasn’t the most prudent course of action for the evening.

Still, I needed to be polite. “How was China?”

“It was a whirlwind. Have you ever been?”


His gaze lingered on me, making me feel exposed in spite of my long-sleeved sweater. “I might be going back for business soon. Perhaps you can accompany me.”

I sat there, feeling slightly flabbergasted. Was Clive Warren asking me on a date to China?

“So, what should we order?” Clive looked over the menu. “The foie gras with pancetta wrapping is amazing. The kimchi-glazed pork belly is also outstanding, as is the bone marrow.”

I was about to interrupt his proposed meal choices when a large hand squeezed my shoulder.

“The lady doesn’t eat meat, Clive. You probably should have asked.” Gabe Betts towered over our table, wearing jeans and a button-down shirt open at the throat. He looked down at me with a grin, his brown eyes twinkling, his dimple showing. “Shouldn’t you be at the office?”

I stared at him, mesmerized by his handsome face and square jaw. I squirmed underneath his grasp, but it wasn’t a bad squirm. Was I uncomfortable? Hell yes…but not in a bad way.

“I. Um,” I started hopelessly.

“Gabriel. Nice to see you. And even though she’s usually still working at this hour, Lauren kindly agreed to take time out of her busy schedule to have dinner with me,” Clive said pointedly.

“So you’re having dinner, huh?” Gabe completely ignored Clive, his eyes never leaving my face. “I didn’t know you liked to go to dinner.”

“I don’t.” I looked up to see Clive’s face fall. “I mean—I do. I just don’t usually have time.”

“Good to know,” Gabe said, finally releasing me. His smile faded and a muscle in his jaw jumped as he glanced at Clive. “Nice to see you two. Enjoy your evening.” He didn’t sound as though he meant it, and I worried for a moment that he was mad at me. And then I wondered why I cared.

He stalked away, and Clive rolled his eyes. “What an ass.”

I raised my eyebrows, surprised. “He’s not a nice person? I thought you two were in the same group.”

“What group is that?” Clive was back to reading the menu again, but he looked skeptical. He was probably annoyed I wouldn’t eat pork belly wrapped in bacon.

Feeling shaky, I took another sip of wine. “The Silicon Valley tech-CEO billionaire boys’ club.” My skin burned where Gabe had touched me. I wanted to turn around and search the restaurant for him, but I knew that was rude.

Clive laughed. “I’m not in any club like that. I don’t have the time or the interest.” He looked up from his menu, his eyes raking over me again. “What about you? What are you interested in?”

I clutched my wineglass as if it were a life preserver. Clive’s question seemed loaded and inappropriate. I wasn’t attracted to him in the slightest. He was nice-looking and successful, but he did nothing for me. Did he think I’d said yes to dinner because I was interested in him?