“I don’t hate him, but you chose to partner with him, not me. He won, and I lost, and I was forced to go down the path that brought me here. You can’t blame me for hoping that he feels what I feel someday. That he loses like I’ve lost. Because that’s what justice is, Lauren.”

It occurred to me then that Clive might be totally fucking crazy. “No one made you go down that path, Clive. Gabe sure as hell had nothing to do with it. I never chose between you two. Your offer wasn’t up to my standards. Dynamica’s was a good fit. It was business. You chose to steal from me and sell my information to Jiàn.” I remembered that the call was being recorded, but I was too frustrated to care.

“I only did that when you refused my offer. I wouldn’t have involved them if you’d cooperated with me.”

“I was never going to sell you my company, Clive. After spending a year on my board, you should have known that.”

He laughed, but it sounded bitter. “I guess I overestimated the attractiveness of my offer.”

“You stole from me and then tried to blackmail me into partnering with you. I think you deluded yourself. It wasn’t an overestimation. Your offer was never attractive.”

“Your directness is going to give me a headache, Lauren.” Clive went quiet for a moment. “She reminds me of you, you know.”

Gooseflesh raised on my arms. “Who?”

“Li Na. But you’re much nicer.” Another bitter bark of laughter escaped him. I pictured him with that patchy beard and shuddered.

“What do you mean, Clive? And is she going to hurt me? Is she going to hurt Gabe?”

“I already told you—you’re going to be last. You’re just going to wish you were first.”

“Who’s going to be first, Clive?”

“I’d love to tell you, but apparently, I’m just a lowly pawn.” He chuckled again.

Fear and disgust trickled through me, coiling in my belly. “Give me your best guess, then.”

“Well, it would have been me. But since I’m safe in here, and you’re going to be last, that only leaves…huh. Who could that be?”

Panic rose up inside me like bile. “Clive—”

“Good-bye, Lauren. And good luck. Even though you’re much smarter than the rest of us, don’t ever underestimate the power of luck. You’re going to need it.”

Chapter 22

Stephanie spoke through the intercom. “Lauren.”

“What?” I snapped, shoving my laptop into my bag. I had to get out of there. I had to warn Gabe. I wasn’t sure of exactly what, but the sick feeling I still had in my stomach was evidence enough that it was bad.

“I’m sorry to interrupt. But Leo needs to see you.”

“No, I’m sorry for being rude, Stephanie.” I buried my face in my hands and took a deep breath. “Please tell Leo I’ll be right down.”

I grabbed my things. Once I talked to Leo, I planned to go straight to Dynamica to see Gabe. I hustled down the hall, barely nodding at Stephanie, and barreled into Leo’s office. He was spread out at his computer, and Dave was on the couch with his laptop propped up on his legs. The office was littered with empty food containers, as if the coders hadn’t eaten anywhere else in weeks, which they probably hadn’t.

“What’s going on?” I didn’t bother with formalities.

Leo looked up at me, his eyes bleary from staring at the computer. “Something disturbing.”

I dropped my bag into a nearby chair. “What?” My palms began to sweat.

“All of the files related to Paragon were just deleted from Warren Technologies,” Leo said.

“Who did it?” I asked.

“I don’t know. It was done from a remote server.”

“Well, trace it,” I said firmly.