“Oh, thank God.” I blew out a shaky sigh. “But…why?”

“Because Clive Warren just signed a statement saying that he was aware that you and Gabe had been taking a tour through his system, and that he’d given you permission to do so.”

I sat still for a moment while I processed the information. Clive was lying. “But Clive didn’t know that we’d hacked him. And he sure as hell didn’t give us—me—permission to monitor his system.”

“That was Gabe’s response as well,” Kami said. “As his attorney, I advised him to keep that to himself. As should you.”

“I’m not going to say anything. I just want to get Gabe out of here.”

She nodded. “I just spoke to Detective Conant and Agent Marks on my way in here. You can go now. Agent Marks said he’d come to Paragon to get your statement, and also to interview you.”

“Perfect,” I said, and swallowed hard.

“I’ll make sure Gabe gets home safely after we process his paperwork.”

“I’ll wait for him,” I said immediately.

“It’s going to be a few hours.” Kami gave me a sympathetic smile. “It’s interesting to meet you. All Gabe did was ask if you were here and if you were okay.”

My cheeks burned. “He did?” I sounded as if I were a crushed-out seventh-grade girl, which I’d never been, even in the seventh grade.

She chuckled. “Yes, he did. It’s nice to see him finally serious about someone.”

I looked at her, startled by her bluntness. “What makes you think he’s serious about me?”

She raised a perfectly waxed eyebrow. “Because Gabe’s been my client for a long time. He’s an upstanding CEO with an immaculate record and billions of dollars to lose. He had himself arrested for crimes he didn’t commit in order to save you from jail. If that isn’t serious, I don’t know what is.”

“Oh. Huh. Thanks.” The words sounded stupid, but I had no idea what sort of response was appropriate.

The attorney cleared her throat. “On a less personal note, I expect that the FBI, the NSA, and the police will be keeping an eye on the situation. They’ll also be watching you and Gabe. So you should proceed with caution. You should definitely meet with your attorney. I’m sure the federal authorities will want to follow up with you, no matter what Clive Warren’s claiming. There’s a chance your records are going to be subpoenaed.”

My stomach sank. “What’s going to happen to Clive?” The fact that Clive had exonerated Gabe and me of any wrongdoing made me feel unsettled. Clive might do me a favor, but would he do one for Gabe?

Only if it was in the form of a stab in the back.

I took a deep breath and tried to focus on what Kami was telling me.

“Clive’s going to have his arraignment for the tax charges, and they’re going to schedule a date for trial. If the presiding judge sets a bail amount for him, he could be let out on house arrest. What the FBI’s going to do with him about this other matter, I don’t know.” She paused for a be

at. “You really should go. I promise I’ll get Gabe out of here safely.”

I nodded but still didn’t move. “Can I see him? Gabe?”

“Only for a second,” she said. “And only because he already asked me if he could see you about ten times.”

I tried to hide my satisfied smile as I followed her out of the room. The police headquarters was bustling as we headed down the dingy hallway to the room where they were holding Gabe. Kami knocked on the door, and we went in.

Gabe was sitting at the table, running his hands through his hair. He looked up at us, and his eyes immediately locked on mine.

My world stopped as relief flooded through me. “Hey.”

He stood up and pulled me into his arms, putting his face against my hair and inhaling deeply. He squeezed me, then looked up at his attorney. “Kami, since you brought Lauren in here, I’m assuming introductions aren’t necessary.”

She laughed briefly. “Of course not. But I can’t leave you two alone, and she can only be in here for a minute. This isn’t the time or place for a reunion. You’re being released. You can hug each other later this afternoon.”

Still, I clung to him, unable to pull away just yet. “Are you okay?” My voice came out muffled against his chest.

“Of course.” He pulled back, his eyes searching mine. “Are you?”