“Because even if we shut Clive down, we won’t be able to stop his partner. On top of that, if you go in and start ripping up his files, he’s going to know you’ve hacked him. Think about it. The only thing we have going for us right now is that he doesn’t know we’re aware of what he’s up to. I say, get your legal team together this morning. There’s more than one way to win a war.”

Adrenaline and fury thrummed through me. “I know that legally, we don’t have much recourse against a foreign corporation. That’s the downside of trade secret protection.”

“We’ll figure it out. Together.”

He motioned for me and I went to him, relishing the feel of his arms protectively around me. Suddenly, all the memories from last night came flooding back, warming me, dizzying me. There was too much going on. I just wanted my lab coat, my laptop, and a quiet room to do my research. I wanted all the problems to go away, and all the feelings to go away as well.

But I wanted Gabe too. He was my anchor in the storm, the one person who understood what I was going through.

He kissed my hair. “I’ll get you breakfast while you get ready for work. I want you to have some of your clothes sent over here, so that you can start staying with me. I don’t want you being alone right now. I want you to increase security too. I don’t like the turn this thing’s taken.”

I shook my head. “I can’t stay here. I don’t want to leave my sister.”

“She’s been alone anyway. You’ve been staying at the lab.” His voice was stubborn. “Hannah is welcome to stay here if that would make you feel better. If you’re not comfortable with that, I’ll send a team to watch her at your house twenty-four seven. She’ll be safe.”

“That’s sweet of you, but I can handle it.”

Gabe took a deep breath and scrubbed a hand over his face, as if he were trying to stay calm. Finally, he spoke again. “Things have changed, Lauren. We don’t know who we’re dealing with in China. We don’t know if they’re dangerous, or if they’re after something other than what Clive’s already sold them. There’s no way in hell I’m letting you out of my sight. You have to go to the office, but otherwise, you’re with me. If I’m unavailable, you’re going to have your security team and mine with you. And I want you to stay here. This is the safest place for you. That’s nonnegotiable.”

I opened my mouth to object, but he just shook his head. “Don’t even start. This is one of those times where you’re going to have to cede control.”

“I can’t do that.”

He smiled at me. “Well, there’s no time to learn like the present.”

“You’re being overprotective, Gabe. Nothing’s changed. I’m not about to—” I balled my hands into fists, about to start a tirade.

He grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes. “Babe, stop fighting me. We’re in this together.” He brushed the hair back from my face. “Please have some clothes packed and sent over. See? That was a request, not a command. Is that better?”

I started to laugh and nodded. “But I still think you’re overreacting.”

“Better safe than sorry. Besides, I like having an excuse to keep you coming back to me.” Gabe leaned over and tenderly kissed my lips. He pulled me to his chest, enveloping me with his strength, his scent, and his power. I felt him harden against me.

Oh hell, I was never going to get to work.

He kissed me, and our tongues connected, making me woozy, making me wet. I reached down and rubbed his cock through his pants. It was as if my hand belonged to someone else. I couldn’t stop it.

Gabe covered my hand with his and gently removed it. “Come back tonight, and you can have it.”

I pouted angrily. “You don’t fight fair.”

“For someone who was so recently an uptight virgin, you’re awfully feisty.” He grinned at me. “If I keep you safe and I also get you naked in my bed, I consider it win-win. Fair isn’t a consideration. Now, go take a shower and get ready for work before I bend you over that island and never let you out of here.” He gave me a quick kiss, then backed away, as if he didn’t trust himself to let me go.

I shook my head. “You’re ruthless, you know that?”

“From you, I take that as high praise.” His grin faded, replaced by a more sober expression. “You have to be careful. Promise me. I’m not going to relax until we find out who these people are and what exactly is going on.”

That brought me back to earth with a thud. “I know. I feel the same way.”

“Please copy everything to me on my private laptop. I’m going to have my tech guy take a look at that Chinese address.”

I wanted to say that Leo could handle it and that I could take care of it on my own, but for once, I stopped myself. I needed to get to the bottom of this. “Okay.”

Gabe raised his eyebrows. “Wow. That’s a first.” A smug look spread over his face. “I like you after you’ve had sex. You’re much more relaxed.”

“Oh, please.” I grabbed my things and started organizing them. I could feel Gabe watching me. I turned to him and waited. “What?”

His arms were crossed in front of his chest, the smug look on his face still intact. “Admit it.”