I nodded, relieved for the conversation to veer back toward work for a moment. “As of this afternoon, yes. We’ve finally completed another round of successful clinical trials That was the major stress. Now that we’ve done that, we can move forward to fine-tuning our reports. We still have a million things to do, but we’ve made significant, meaningful progress.”

“Good…for several reasons, not the least of which is that you’re out of excuses. No more avoiding me, Lauren. We have unfinished business.”

I gulped my wine. “I haven’t been avoiding you.”

“If you say so, Your Highness.” He inched closer, running his hand down my arm. “You need to tell me once and for all. You either want to be with me, or you don’t.”

My stomach fluttered, heat rushing through me, as I tried to fully comprehend what he was saying. “Want to be with you…how?”

His brown eyes searched mine. He reached up and caressed my face, his strong fingers lingering on my jawline. I relaxed into his hand. Then, remembering I was in the middle of a negotiation, I sat up straight.

“Like this.” He moved closer and wrapped his arms around me, and I felt hot with him so close, hot under his touch. “Like this.” He leaned in and kissed me, his lips strong and unyielding against mine. He parted my lips, then his tongue surged in, caressing mine.

I felt heat shoot through me, straight down to that aching spot between my legs.

“Is that all you want?” I asked breathlessly when he pulled away.

He laughed, and the twinkle I’d missed seeing in his eyes came back. “Hell, no. I want you in my bed, in my pool, in my hot tub…” He looked around as if he were seriously considering the options. “On this couch, maybe bent over the island…”

I felt myself turning crimson. Desire, fear, and disappointment vied for predominance inside of me. I pushed them all to the side and swallowed hard. “If you just w

ant a physical relationship, I think I’m ready for that.”

He sat back, an amused look on his face. “Who said I just want a physical relationship—wait, did I say that? Sorry, babe. You’ve left me with too much time on my hands. My imagination’s been going a little wild.” He ran a hand over his wiry hair and I longed to touch it.

I straightened myself, trying to be brave. “It’s okay. A strictly physical relationship would probably be…easier.” I’d struggled over the past few weeks with how much I’d been missing him, like I had an illness and he was the only remedy. The more time I’d spent away from him, the more time I’d had to examine my emotions, realizing they left me feeling vulnerable and exposed. Maybe it would be better this way? No messy emotional honesty necessary. Just Gabe’s big, sexy body…naked.

“Huh.” His eyes pierced mine. The amused look was gone, replaced by a darker one. “Is that right?”

“Mmm hmm. Yes.” I felt my cheeks burning.

Gabe leaned forward, his fingers tracing my arm, sending sparks of heat through me. “So let me get this straight. You just want to be my business partner now? And our personal entanglement—”

“Shouldn’t be an entanglement,” I offered, interrupting him. “It should just be straightforward. Satisfying. Easy and mutually beneficial.” I gulped more wine, finishing it in record time, realizing that I did not sound at all like myself right now. I’d just asked him to have a sexual relationship with no strings attached.

And I’d never even had sex before.

And I’d already stockpiled a large collection of real feelings for him.

“Satisfying, easy and mutually beneficial. Huh.” He sounded like he was playing along. “Does that mean you want to stay?”

I nodded.

He smiled. “Perfect. Get undressed. I’ll just relieve you of your virginity and send you on your way, then.”

My nerves thrummed. “Okay,” I said, recklessly.

Gabe sat back and laughed. “Are you fucking kidding me, Lauren? I finally get you alone, and you’re backpedaling?”

I winced and he stopped laughing and watched me, dead serious. “I think you’re worried about giving something besides your work your full attention. And you’re afraid to have feelings for me—because feelings are wild, unpredictable, and very unscientific little beasts.”

I wrapped my arms across my chest, deciding silence was the best course of action for the moment. I worried that one of those wild, unpredictable and unscientific beasts might take over and seize the opportunity to out itself.

He regarded me. “I’ve already let you have your way up to now—why not?” Even though he seemed as if he were agreeing with me, his voice had an edge to it. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer, putting my head on his chest as he continued to play with my hair. “But I’m just warning you—once I take you, you might not want me to let you go. Then you’re going to be in a bad position to renegotiate.”

I looked up at him, and my breath caught in my throat. His eyes sparkled as if he were very, very sure of himself. “But that will suit me just fine. In fact, when that happens, I’ll feel free to put you into whatever position I want.”

Once I take you. Whatever position I want. A thrill of desire ran through me. He lifted my chin and kissed me again, deep and urgent. I ran my hands down his torso, reveling in the strength I felt there. I melded my body against his, my hands roaming lower until they brushed against his massive erection. I paused, unsure of what to do.