“Why?” I knew why I had security, but I was curious about Gabe. He hadn’t talked about himself much or why he needed protection.

He jerked his thumb at the house. “’Cause if someone broke in here, I’d never find them.” He grinned. “I’m kidding. I have security for the same reason you do, the same reason most Silicon Valley companies do. As CEO, I’m worth a lot. My company needs me. Even though I have backup systems in place, my business is very dependent on this.” He pointed to his head. “And this.” He pointed to his smile.

“Your business needs your smile?”

He shrugged. “My business contacts see

m to like it. It doesn’t hurt, in any event. C’mon.” He threw his arm casually over my shoulders. “Let me show you around.”

I relished being that close to him, feeling his strong body next to mine, even as the simple familiarity made my nerves go haywire. We toured the grounds first, so I could see them in the fading light. The mountains surrounded us, and we could see the lights from the valley below. I saw stunning acres upon acres of private peace and an enormous pool lit up in the backyard. A hot tub and cabana dotted the surrounding area. We walked farther, through his impressive and somewhat wild gardens, until I spotted a helipad.

“You have a helicopter?”

He shrugged. “I don’t take it out much.”

I wondered if all the other CEOs in town had helipads and hot tubs. I should probably get something similar to keep up, but I didn’t care about things like that. I had no one to show off to and little interest in luxury. I’d been raised like that.

Due to the sale of several of my father’s coveted patents to plastics corporations, my parents had been extremely wealthy in their own right. You wouldn’t have known it if you’d met them, though. They’d shared a beat-up station wagon, my father had favored plaid shirts from L.L. Bean, circa 1980, and my mother’s purse had been from Target. I was definitely their daughter. Hannah was the only one with the luxury-shopping gene. She would go crazy over Gabe’s estate and his rarely used helipad.

I followed him back to the house. The entire rear-facing side was made of windows so he could enjoy watching the pool and the majestic skyline above it.

“I’m impressed.” I looked out at the view. “I don’t get excited about material possessions very much, but this is amazing.”

He stared out at the hills. “But I don’t own the things that make it amazing.”

We sat down on the enormous stone steps leading up to his house and watched the sky.

He turned to me after a minute, his eyes searching mine. “You know what I’m going to ask you, don’t you?”

I took a deep breath, imagining the possibilities. Will you sleep with me? Have you ever done this before? What do you like?

“No.” I shook my head. “I don’t know.”

He grinned and laced his fingers through mine. “Are you hungry? Would you like a glass of wine?”

“Yes to both. I’m starving, and being around you makes me want wine.”

He furrowed his brow. “I hope that means it’s because you feel like you can relax around me and not the opposite—that I’m driving you to drink.”

“You’re not.” I smiled and enjoyed the feeling of our hands twined together, even though it was utterly foreign to me.

He’s finally holding my hand. He pulled me up, and we went into the house, his hand never leaving mine as he led me through the enormous living space. It had high, wood-beamed ceilings, rustic chandeliers, a huge stone fireplace…everything wonderful and expensive and masculine that I could imagine. It suited Gabe perfectly.

The kitchen was open to the living room, with a view of the mountains throughout the entire space. I looked out at the darkening sky. “It’s so beautiful.”

I turned to find him watching me. “Yes, it is.” He handed me a glass of wine, and I took it gratefully.

“Cheers to our partnership,” I said, and for the first time, I meant it. When I’d accepted his invitation to accompany him home, I’d made a choice about him. That felt good, because making a choice meant I retained some control. Sitting there in his kitchen, I realized that I did trust him, or at least I was starting to. For the first time in days, some calm started to seep into me.

“Cheers to our partnership, and cheers to Your Highness, the reigning queen of the biotech industry.” He grinned, knowing he was pushing my buttons.

I sputtered, indignant. “I beg your pardon—”

Gabe laughed. “Oh, is Your Highness going to give me a pardon now?”

I laughed in spite of myself. “Definitely not.”

Gabe clinked his glass against mine. “Cheers to you finally gracing my home with your presence. I like having you here.”