“Didn’t you already have dinner?” I asked her, praying she would make herself scarce.

Hannah blithely ignored me. “I’m actually starving,” said my nosy little sister.

I set out plates, and Gabe started passing around the food, which I noticed was all vegetarian. My heart melted a little as I bit into a vegetable samosa.

“When was the last time you had dinner with me at home?” Hannah asked. “Even though it is ten thirty at night?”

My blank stare was the only answer I had.

“I brought some wine, but I figured I’d get into trouble for that,” Gabe said.

“Not with me,” Hannah replied, hustling to get an opener and some glasses. “With all the crazy stuff that’s going on, I seriously need a drink.”

“So do I,” I admitted.

Gabe smiled at me, but then his brow furrowed in concern. “What did douche-face’s message say? I’m guessing not too much, so that it can’t be used against him in a court of law.”

“Exactly.” I took a grateful sip of my wine after Hannah poured it for me. “He said he hoped I had a lovely weekend. Ha-ha. And that if I wanted to talk about his offer some more, he’ll be in town all week.”

“So what’s the plan? What do you want to do? Are you going to the police or the FBI?” A mixture of anger and concern played out on Gabe’s face.

I shook my head. “I already decided not to. Not yet. I want to deal with him myself first.”

“What does that mean?” Hannah asked. Her brow was also creased with worry. “And he texted you tonight? He’s got some balls.”

I looked at them helplessly. “I can’t believe he hacked me.” To my absolute mortification, I felt my eyes fill with tears.

“It’s okay.” Hannah rubbed my hand soothingly. “Just eat some dinner. You’ve barely slept, and you haven’t eaten. You need to give yourself a break before you tackle all this.”

Gabe put his napkin down. “Remember the friend I was texting last night?”

I nodded, trying to remain calm. I didn’t want to break down in front of Gabe. I hardly knew him.

“He’s a cybersecurity expert. He’s local. He can help you. He’s helped me deal with outside threats, and I trust him.”

“I’ve got it covered, but thank you.”

“I also have a personal security team from my brother’s company. I’d love to lend them to you. It’d make me feel better.” He looked at me, his jaw clenched, stubborn as hell.

“You know I have security, Gabe. But I appreciate that you’re trying to be helpful.”

“I think you’re in danger.” His eyes pierced mine. “I have resources that you can use. They’re at your disposal. I know you can handle everything yourself, but don’t be so independent you cut off offers that could increase your safety.”

Hannah patted my hand again. “You should listen to him,” she said. “I know you don’t like to accept help, but if there’s ever been a good time for it, it’s now. I don’t like that Clive’s coming at you so hard.”

I turned back to Gabe. “I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but why should I trust you? You showed up right when all this trouble started. How do I know that you’re not involved somehow?” I swallowed hard. I wanted to trust him, but I felt completely off balance with everything going on. I always operated under a calm demeanor and a completely informed perspective. I had neither right then, and I worried my judgment was being clouded by his kindness and his…dimple.

His gaze held mine. “You can’t know for sure that I’m not involved—but I promise you, I’m not. You can have me background checked, and you can have my tech guy screened, and all my security screened too, until you’re satisfied.”

“But why are you helping me? What’s in it for you?” I asked, genuinely curious.

“I asked you to consider partnering with Dynamica, remember? I have a vested business interest in Paragon’s survival and success. That is, of course, if you say yes to my proposal.”

“What if I say no?”

“Then I still have a personal axe to grind against Clive Warren.” The sparkle in his eyes was back, as was the dimple.

“Why’s that?”