I looked at his face in the darkness. “Another one? I thought we were going to get back to work.”

“We are.” He kissed my cheek. “But we have a wedding.”

My breath caught in my throat. There was dead silence between us.

“A wedding?” I finally asked after a beat.

I could just make out the grin spreading over his face. “My mother’s. She’s marrying your old professor, remember? Alexander Viejo?”

“Of course.” I said it quickly, trying to mask the ridiculously crestfallen feeling I had in my chest.

“I figure it’s time I introduce you to my family. My mom, my two brothers.”

“I’d love that.”

“With all the excitement we’ve had going on, I haven’t been able to tell you that much about me. I think it will be good for you. To see where I come from.”


The grin didn’t leave his face. “Besides, you have to make an informed decision.”

“About what?” I asked warily.

“Me. I asked you to move in with me. But that’s just the beginning.”

“The beginning of what?”

“Us, babe. The beginning of us,” Gabe said.

I hope you enjoyed this book. I love Lauren and Gabe! If you do, too, continue the adventure by checking out the next book in the series!

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And here’s a sneak peek at Silicon Valley Billionaires: GABE, book 2 in the series, which continues Lauren and Gabe’s sexy romance. Enjoy!

Silicon Valley Billionaires: Gabe

Chapter 1

I woke up and rolled over, stretching, my limbs loose and relaxed as I pulled Lauren’s warm body closer. Her soft moan brought back memories of last night, when I’d blindfolded her and tied her up.

Among other things.

I grinned against her bare skin as she slept. Lauren Taylor, reigning queen of the biotech industry and, until quite recently, a very uptight virgin, had been letting her wild side out to play lately. I trailed my fingers down her side, wondering if she’d be up for an encore performance this morning.

My phone rang, and I grabbed it, hoping she would sleep awhile longer. On the caller ID, I saw Timmy’s number. I’d thought Lauren’s security guard was asleep in the guesthouse next door. Because he never called to chat, I said, “What’s the matter?”

“Mr. Betts, we’ve had a breach.”

I jumped out of bed. “Is someone here? At the house?”

“No, sir. Not here. I’m afraid it’s worse—it’s Hannah.”

Hannah was Lauren’s younger sister. “What?”

“Someone’s taken her.”
