“Of course I am. Sienna’s the best thing that ever happened to me.” He laughed and patted Madison on the back. “She’s the best thing that ever happened to any of us!” He sauntered off, grinning, sipping from his gin and tonic.

We watched Tim engulf the scantily clad Sienna in a hug and blissfully kiss the top of her head. “How long have they been together?” I asked.

“Since college,” Maddy said. They met their freshman year, and they’ve been together ever since.”

“That’s impressive. Not a lot of people are ready to commit at eighteen.”

Madison nodded as she watched her sister twine her arms around Tim’s neck. “They’re cut from the same cloth. Tim’s family owns a hotel chain. They have properties all over the world. He’s probably the only guy who’s capable of wowing my sister. So he did.”

I watched Tim and Sienna as they broke apart, their hands sliding down to entwine as they met with more guests. They looked completely compatible and also totally in love. “It must be nice, though. To find someone you have so much in common with.”

“Yeah. They seem really happy.” I caught a funny look cross Madison’s face as she watched her sister. It looked an awful lot like longing.

Tyler Dermody, resplendant in a skinny suit, elbowed his way up to the bar. His gaze raked over Madison’s sexy dress. “Well hello there.” He grinned at her.

“Heyyyy.” Her voice was starting to slur.

I stepped protectively in front of Maddy. “Hey Tyler. Nice tie. It almost looks like you could floss your teeth with it.”

His brow furrowed underneath his carefully tousled auburn hair. “It’s the style, you idiot. How’s your stomach?”

“It’s great. How’s your face?” I cracked my knuckles.

He snorted but deftly moved away. “Better than yours.”

I cracked my knuckles again as he fled to the safety of his circle of friends.

“Don’t mind him. He’s always had a thing for Madison.” Claire tossed her hair over her shoulder.

I cursed. “I knew it.”

“Hazz not.” Maddie tried to pour the empty bottle of Prosecco into her glass.

“Has so.” Claire narrowed her eyes. “Thank God you were always too busy to date him.”

Madison raised her empty glass. “Cheers to that.”

“I am going to punch him before the weekend’s out.” I finished my drink.

“I am not into dudes, but you are seriously kind of hot.” Claire fanned herself.

“I know, right?” Madison grinned at me. “He’s my Italian Stallion. Giddy up!”

Claire looked me nervously. “We need to get some food inside her.”

“Yeah, I agree.” The waiters started circulating with hors d’ouvres and I guided Madison over to the table. She flopped down and slid low into her seat.

“Oopsie daisy—here we go.” I helped straighten her, then looked around desperately for an appetizer or a bread basket.

“I’m soooo drunk,” she announced happily to the older couple beside her.

I scooted her chair closer to mine and whispered, “Now, honey, let’s not act up in front of company.”

She grinned at me and ran her cool fingertips along my jaw. “You’re the best, Bob. D’you know that?”

“I try. How about some food?”

Claire sat down across from us, chatting closely with Mia. They were both sticking their chests out and tossing their hair. “Claire, can you pass me that platter?”