“Maybe he’s hoping that one day, he’ll catch a break. Or maybe he’s just a masochist. He’s a decent player, though.” I frowned. We could have easily beaten Art and Lucas. It irked me that I could’ve helped the old man end his streak of woe. “Maybe next time.”

“Yeah, or maybe I’ll just hide you from my dad until it’s time to go home. It’s safer that way.” She linked her arm through mine and steered me away from her father, who had finished chewing Lucas out and was making his way over.

“Whoa there, Bob. Hang on!” Art trotted over. He shook my hand. “Nice work out there today. You a college athlete, son?”

“Yes, sir. Lacrosse at Boston College.”

“BC lacrosse, ah yes. That was a bit after my time.” Art smiled. “I approve of you, son. I would like to play some more this weekend.”

“Daddy, you can’t. Sienna already said you’ve been picking the groomsmen off and taking them away from their schedule. Poor Lucas was supposed to be at the club with Tim and the other guys, but he felt like he couldn’t let you down.”

“That’s because I threatened him. He works for a buddy of mine.” Art chuckled smugly. “The look on Frank’s face when he lost just now! Well, I hope we can sneak some more time.” He patted me on the back.

“I’d like that very much, sir.” In fact, I wanted to crush him and make him cry in front of Frank, but he didn’t need to know that.

Game face, Bob, game face. I smiled as Madison deftly steered me off the court. “He’s not a bad guy, but he is a terrible loser.”

“I get that feeling.” I squeezed her hand. “Hey, you know what? You keep holding my hand like that, I might get used to it.”

“Ha. Well.” She didn’t let go. “I’m sort of into the idea that my mother’s jealous that I get to touch you. That’s sick, right?”

“Totally.” I laughed. “And I totally love it.”

We reached the house, and Maddy shrugged. “So it’s almost time to get ready for the rehearsal dinner. It’s in our barn.”

“The big one out back?”

She nodded. “Sienna wanted to do it at the Four Seasons, but there’s no Four Seasons on Nantucket, so she has to slum it in the barn.”

“I have a feeling it’s hardly slumming it.”

“True.” She smiled again, and it made me feel warmer, as if the sun was shining on me and me alone. “I have to help organize some of the final details.”

“I can help.”

“Yeah?” Her smile got broader.

“Yeah.” I refused to think about what happened when someone got too close to the sun.

Instead, I decided to bask in it.

Chapter Twelve


“Why do you have Bob stringing lights?” I frowned at my mother. “You’ve had this place decorated all week.”

Aileen shrugged. “He looks up to the task.” She eyed him appreciatively as he climbed the ladder.

“Mom, can you please, and I mean please, stop objectifying him? And while you’re at it, stop staring at his ass.”

“Oh, honey.” She swatted her hand in my direction, never taking her eyes off Bob’s derriere. “You’re such a buzzkill.”

“Mother.” Sienna stormed in, looking close to tears. “You’ll never guess what happened! The caterer just called, and she’s running late.”

“Don’t worry about it, princess.” Aileen chucked her favorite daughter under the chin, careful not to smudge her makeup. “That’s what cocktail hour is for. We have plenty to keep the guests occupied. Most of them are salivating to get out to our property anyway. They’ll be too busy snooping to worry about eating anything.” She winked at Sienna. “This is the wedding of the decade. You don’t need to worry about the caterer running late.”

Reassured, Sienna took a look around the barn. “It looks really pretty. Thank you.”