I nodded, pretending I understood. “What about Claire?”

Sienna snorted. “Claire can stand in the back. She refused to color her hair. I mean, it could on

ly be an improvement. But oh no, she had to get all women’s rights and lesbian about it.”

“Ah, I see.” Claire was a lesbian, which Sienna lumped together with a rather random collection of things—including socialism, veganism and refusing to wear makeup—even though Claire was a registered republican, loved steak and had been rocking eye shadow since she was twelve. I decided to change the subject. “Where’s Tim?”

Sienna ran her long, lacquered fingernails through her hair. “He’s golfing with the guys, just trying to enjoy his last hours of freedom.”

“Aw, you know he’s excited.” Her maid of honor, Mia, nudged her. “He’s been waiting to propose to you since freshman year!” Mia and Sienna could’ve been twins. They both had long, sexily tousled hair, smooth tan skin, and blinding-white teeth. Oh, and I couldn’t forget the string-bikini tops.

I looked around the table, feeling as if I might’ve dropped in on an episode of Girls Gone Wild, the “I’m Richer Than You” version.

Sienna, Tim, and all their friends had attended a small southern college, notorious for its Greek parties and secret societies. This was where Sienna had learned how to drink heavily without ever looking bad, but I was still confused as to how she’d ever actually graduated. It didn’t matter, at least not to her. Tim’s family had even more money than ours did, and in her words, “He didn’t even make me sign a prenup!”

“So, Bob.” Sienna leaned forward, smiling at him. “Maddy tells me you went to BC. Did you know Alex Nichols? Randy McGarrity? Elise Symes?”

“No, I don’t recognize any of those names. I played lacrosse. I didn’t have time to socialize much outside the team.”

“Ooh, you played lacrosse?” Mia tossed her hair over her shoulder, inspecting Bob more closely. “What position?”

“Defender. Nothing glamorous. It was my job to protect my teammates and the goal.”

Mia nodded, as if that were fascinating. She adjusted her bikini top a little lower as she took in Bob’s broad shoulders. “You’re one of the good guys. Like a bodyguard with a heart of gold. And a big stick.”

I almost spit my wine out as Sienna chuckled.

Bob looked confused. “You watch a lot of lacrosse?”

“No.” Mia frowned. “But I know the positions—my brother played. Let’s just say I’m a fan.” Her gaze traveled appreciatively down his handsome face to his chest. Mia was a fan, all right. “When did you start playing?”

I frowned, watching her pretend to talk to him about lacrosse.

“Where on earth did you find him?” Sienna whispered.

“Work,” I lied.

“Did he deliver a nice package to you?” My sister grinned wickedly. “Was it a large one?”

“Ugh, stop.” I angrily chewed a bite of salad. “Mom told you, huh?”

“Of course she did.” Her gaze flicked up toward my parents’ end of the table, where they were holding court with Tim’s parents, Aunt Evie, and some of Dad’s tennis friends. “She was texting me before you were even out the door of her office.”

“And what did Her Highness have to say?”

“That he’s a pauper. That it’s pretend.” Sienna watched Bob with a practiced, appraising eye. “She thinks he’s doing you a favor or that you’re giving him something to be here.”

“I gave him something, all right.” I popped a cherry tomato into my mouth and forced myself to smile as I chewed it.

Sienna clapped her hands together. “Ah, so you traded for sex? That’s so much better than money. Who’d have thought that would be enough to convince him to be your date?”


“I love having a family scandal at my wedding.” Sienna’s eyes were shining. “I can’t wait to tell my nanny so she can tell my kids someday!”

I snorted. “Stop being ridiculous. There’s no scandal.”

“You traded a favor for sex. That’s totally a scandal in our family, even though it’s not particularly uncommon.” She looked as though she knew exactly what she was talking about.