I smelled something yummy coming from the kitchen, so I headed in. Avery had plates out and she was filling them with enchiladas and rice.

"Babe. You are seriously the best thing that ever happened to Chase Layne." I grabbed a plate and then reached for the bowl of shredded cheese.

"You can't have that." She slapped my hand.

"Why not?" I asked, crestfallen.

"Because it's nacho cheese." She said, snorting with laughter. "Get it? It's a joke! 'Nacho' cheese. 'Not your' cheese. Hey, why aren't you laughing?"

"Wow. Just…wow." I shook my head. "You tell seriously bad jokes."

She kept giggling. "At least I don't talk about myself in the third person."

"They warned you—they said this was for better or for worse. This is what they meant."

"I'll take it." Avery was still laughing. It was good that she at least amused herself.

We heard another crash and I ignored it, stuffing some enchilada in my mouth. Oh my God, it was so good. "I will, too babe. I will too."


If you enjoyed Chase and Avery's story, make sure to check out the next book in the series, Escorting the Assassin! It features Kylie, Avery's friend from the Sizzling Ranch. It's available as part of the awesome Romancing the Alpha 2 set!

Romancing the Alpha 2

Special Thanks

Thank you to my readers! Every single one of you lights up my days. I love hearing from you! If you’d like to be notified about new releases and special sales, please join my Mailing List.

I could not write without the love and enduring support of my husband and my three beautiful, patient, kind children. I am thankful for you every day, even when you are subjecting me to (endless) hours of playoff football and bugging me for snacks. You guys make every day worth it.

Thanks to my amazing beta readers, Wendy Myler, Amy Warren, and Cheryl Buchanan. You are my special little snowflakes!

Special thanks to Theresa Cole at theresamcole.com for your amazing editorial prowess and for helping me with Chase and Avery's story. You rule!

Special thanks to Dana Waganer at www.danaproofwrite.com for your eagle eye and special touch. I always feel like my books are "red-carpet ready" once you've finished with them!

I have to also thank my mom and dad, who have always supported me. I love you guys. You are special people.

And a special shout-out to my mom, who is always ready with a pep talk, and who always told me to never give up.

Also by Leigh James

The Escort Collection

The Liberty Series

The Bad Judgment Series

Romancing the Alpha 2


If you enjoyed this book, you might also enjoy The Liberty Series, my sexy, action-adventure romance series. Here’s a preview! Enjoy!

Liberty Begins - Preface

I didn’t know how long I had been lying on the floor, looking up at the man who had ripped my family apart. In that moment, staring into each other’s eyes, I remembered everything, every lie he’d ever told me. His eyes told me he was afraid.