We left the house and he headed in the direction of the park. Then we walked through it, past Newbury Street onto Boylston. "Are we going out to eat?"

This is Chase—of course we're going out to eat.

"No. We're going shopping."

"Do you have a store in mind?" I asked.

"I do." He said nothing further until we stopped outside of Shreve, Crump & Low.

I looked in the window and wrinkled my nose. "Are you buying a crystal swan?" I asked.

He just stood there, looking at the window and gripping my hand. "Only if you want to buy a crystal swan."

I shot him a funny look. "I think that's a little fancy for me. With my luck, I'd break its neck." I peered at the swan. "I might even do it on purpose."

"Let's go inside." He didn't wait for me to answer. He dragged me straight to the case that held the engagement rings.

"Babe? What're you doing?"

"I'm ring shopping." He examined the rows of sparkling, elegant diamonds in different settings. "Is there one you like?" He pointed to a rectangular cut diamond with a slim, elegant diamond band. "I think that one's beautiful."

"Of course that one's beautiful," I said. "They're all beautiful."

He searched my face. "Is there one you like better than the others?"

I shrugged. I was afraid my voice would wobble if I attempted to speak.

"You like the one that I picked out?" His voice was very gentle.

I nodded.

A sales person came over, recognizing us instantly. He beamed at us. "You see something you like, Mr. Layne?" His voice was eager, but tasteful. This was Shreve, Crump & Low after all. They sold crystal swans with a straight face.

"Yes I do. We'll take it to go."

Chase worked his magic, having the ring sized on the spot. We were quiet as we waited. My mind was racing and I felt as though I was too nervous to talk. After he'd paid, he put the box in his pocket and held my hand, leading me back toward the park. I still didn't say anything—I was worried if I opened my mouth, I'd just start bawling.

"Speaking of swans…" Chase stopped in front of the swan bo

ats. It was late afternoon and they were closed. He looked at his watch and laughed. "I messed up. We can't go for a ride, babe."

"S'okay." My voice was gravelly.

He patted his pocket. "I want to give you this ring right now. But I'm going to wait. Until things are finalized with Jess and you and I have some time to settle in. Because I want to do this the right way. But I also want you to know what my intentions are."

He squeezed my hands. "They are to love, honor and protect you for the rest of your life."

I felt that nervous little bird of hope in my chest glow. It was a phoenix now, a symbol of rebirth, rising from the ashes of my past.

I blinked back tears.

"Does that sound okay to you?" he asked, his blue eyes searching mine.

"It's more than okay." My voice sounded stronger. "It sounds perfect."

He held out his arms and motioned to me. "Come to Chase, babe." And then he wrapped me in a massive hug, making me feel safe and protected. "I love you."

I smiled against his chest. "I love you, too."