"I mean it's assuming a lot to say that she'll have a relationship with you." Martha shook her head. "She seems certain that she's bad for you and your career. From what I saw, that's going to be a big problem. Because she puts you first."

"Huh. Wow." I looked at my mother, flabbergasted. "How'd you get to be so smart, mom?"

"Because I always had to stay two steps ahead of you for your own good." She hugged me then headed out the door. "You're going to have to convince her that she's more important to you than your career. And I honestly don't know if you're capable of that. I will tell you, however, that I'm a big fan of a happy ending. See what you can do for your poor neglected mother."

I kissed her good-bye and then closed the door, resting against it heavily, thinking about what my mom had said.

I truly sucked at lying. In order for me to convince Avery that she was more important to me than football, that would have to be true. Was it? If the truth came out about her background and that I'd hired her, my position as the NFL's reigning golden boy would be seriously compromised. It would also create a press feeding frenzy that could critically impact both my team and my season—exactly what I'd hired her to avoid in the first place.

Could I give up my whole future, my pristine reputation, everything that I've been working toward my whole life?

As usual, my mother was right. My heart told me that the jury was still out on that particular question. I wanted them both. I wanted it all.

Chapter Twenty


Lila: We need 2 talk

Avery: I'll call you soon

I sighed and threw the phone onto the couch. I'd been dealing with my sister for the past few days by not dealing with her, even though I knew that was a mistake. I'd told her I was busy with the move. We hadn't spoken, just texted. She hadn't mentioned anything else about her outrageous request, but I knew she was only biding her time.

I didn't want to think about Lila anymore; I would call her in a little while. I decided to fire up Chase's laptop and do a quick Internet search for any news on Jessica and Pax, wh

o had been unusually quiet for the past couple of days. I scrolled through some press releases about him joining Tennessee, a statement from his agent about the trade, and some other football stuff. Then I went to an image search and looked at dozens of pictures of him and Jessica. She really was a piece of work. Her pictures demonstrated that clearly. In each shot, her hand was expertly at her hip, and her chest was thrust out forcefully. She was beautiful at first glance, but there was nothing warm or friendly about her.

I went to Jessica's Instagram feed in spite of my better judgment. There was a bunch of pictures posted of their new home in Tennessee and of Jessica in a bikini out by the new pool. But one picture made me stop—and I wondered if I was hallucinating. It was another one of Jessica in a bikini and Pax grilling in the background. At first glance, nothing was unusual or alarming about it.

But what was behind Pax made my heart stop. It was a woman's profile.

My sister's profile.

I picked up my cell phone again and desperately tried to call her. It went straight to voicemail. Then I sent her another text.

Avery: Call me as soon as you can. 911.

And then I got up and started pacing.

I knew that was Lila in the picture. She must be in Tennessee with Jessica and Pax. Maybe they'd offered her the money she was looking for. My brain felt like it was being scrambled. How had she gotten in touch with them? Was she staying with them?

And oh my God, what on Earth had she told them?

I felt the blood drain from my face and I sat down heavily. I still hadn't told Chase that Lila had threatened blackmail. There were several reasons for that. I was hoping I could talk her out of it and that she would come to her senses. I was worried that he would just offer to pay her and then she'd never stop using him.

Mostly, I was afraid that it would make him hate me and want to distance himself from me and my toxic family.

Now my sister had done an end-run around me to Chase's soon-to-be-ex-wife. She was going to ruin everything. No wait, I thought, you're the one wrecking everything. You're the hooker.

You're the problem, and you're the one that's going to ruin Chase's life.

I had to get out of his house and away from Chase. I couldn't do this to him. I believed that deep down, he cared about me, but no one wanted this sort of destruction. He put his career first, and I just wasn't worth the risk. I came from nothing and had nothing to offer him, except for his downfall.

I ran up the stairs and started packing.

* * *