I took a sip of beer. "I'm sorry she's like that. And that you have to deal with her."

Avery raised her eyes to mine. "Not as sorry as I am."

"Maybe I can help…" I let my voice trail off. I didn't know what to say. I really didn't want to get involved with the sister. I could tell she was bad news. She was also probably a black hole—if I started giving her money, she'd never go away.

She shook her head. "That's not your responsibility. I'll deal with it."

After I finished my beer, we listlessly went to bed. "I can't watch the show," I mumbled. "Practice early." I crawled under the covers and motioned for her to join me. Our earlier high had come crashing down, and now I just felt exhausted.

"S'okay," Avery said, coming close to me but not touching. "I'm tired, anyway.

"Good night," I said. It sounded awkward and formal.

"Good night."

* * *


Of course, I couldn't sleep. Images of my sister in her rented dress kept swirling in my mind, as well as images of Jess and Pax inspecting her.

She was a liability and I knew it.

What was worse, Chase knew it. And it seemed to bother him.

I rolled over and watched him sleep. Lila wasn't a bad person; she just wasn't always a good person. But I'd meant what I said—I wouldn't let her hurt him. His powerful chest rose and fell rhythmically and I studied him, mesmerized. I wouldn't let anyone hurt him.

Especially not me.

* * *

After a fitful night's sleep, I woke up to find Chase already out of bed. I stumbled out and found him in the kitchen.

"Hey," he said. "Want some coffee?"

I nodded, trying to gauge his mood. "Are you happy about going back to practice?"

"Oh yeah." He looked so excited that I relaxed, even though I hadn't been fully aware that I was tense. "Can't wait. Would you like to come with me?"

I perked up. "Can I?"

"Sure—it's fun. A lot of fans come out to watch us practice. It's free, and it's a great way to get them excited about the season." He checked his phone. "Eric said he expects a record turnout today because I'm going back, and Pax is going to be there."

"Oh boy."

"It'll be all right," Chase said, easily. He seemed back to his normal, upbeat self. "Coach will keep us separated. I just have to keep Reggie occupied so he doesn't pummel him."

"Reggie will just be psyched that you're back," I said.

"That's true." He smiled at me, and it was like the sun coming out.

I quickly put on a pair of jean shorts and a Warriors T-shirt, my hair pulled up into a bun. We took Chase's truck to the stadium. He was quiet on the way in.

"Are you nervous?" I asked.

"Not at all." He shook his head. "I can't wait. I've missed it."

Warriors Arena was enormous, surrounded by parks and a plaza with restaurants, shops, and bars. Chase hustled me to the entrance of the practice fields, taking in the group of players already waiting for him. He turned to me, grinning. He was clearly in his element.