I nodded. One of the contract requirements was that we took birth control. The agency provided it.

The madam crossed her elegant legs and folded her hands together. "The escort business isn't for everyone, Avery. You have to look at it analytically and weigh your needs against your limits."

I looked at her. "I need this job."

"Well then—it's yours." She smiled. "This is sort of a…different situation. It isn't a straight-up call."

I nodded at her, pretending I understood, even though I didn't.

"The client is Chase Layne. The Warriors quarterback."

My jaw dropped.

"Are you familiar with him?"

"Of course," I said breathlessly. Chase Layne was famous—he was the best quarterback in the NFL. He was also a celebrity. Drop-dead gorgeous, six-foot-five with coppery skin and big, gorgeous blue eyes, he was the face of more advertising campaigns than I could keep track of. When I'd seen him on the cover of gossip magazines, he'd always seemed untouchable, perfect. "But I thought he was married!"

"You're not up on the news, huh?" Elena asked.

As I currently had no phone, no computer, no television, and couldn't afford to buy magazines, the answer to that was a solid no. "I don't have time," I mumbled.

A flash of knowing sympathy crossed Elena's face. All of the girls who worked for her needed the money, and she knew it. "The story just broke, but only some of it's in the news. His wife left him recently. And Chase has been suspended from the Warriors for two weeks."

"Why?" I asked.

"This part's confidential—Chase's agent just told me," she said conspiratorially. "Jessica Layne's been having an affair with one of the teammates, Pax Unger. Chase found out and went after him. He broke Pax's nose. The team hasn't made that part public."

"Yikes," I said.

"'Yikes' is right. Chase is going back to practice in another week. The press has been hounding him. His agent has decided that, because his public image is going to take a beating, he needs to launch a preemptive counterattack. New house, new girlfriend, same great attitude. Obviously, he doesn't have time to meet someone new and fall in love—so that's where we come in."

Elena got up and grabbed a garment bag, hustling into the endless racks of clothes she kept in the office for our assignments. "His attorney has prepared a lengthy confidentiality agreement. You have to sign it and understand that these people mean business. You are going to act like his girlfriend, attend public events with him, and live in his home. The payment we've received is for one month. There's a renewal option if he wants to continue the arrangement. Are you okay with this so far?"

I nodded and watched, fascinated, as she assembled several gorgeous outfits for me. The assignment could last longer than a month. That meant more money. Lots more money and some actual, tangible room between me and the street.

Holy smokes. This is the opportunity of a lifetime.

"You can't ever reveal—not to anyone, not ever—that you were hired to do this. You can't tell your sister. You can't tell your best friend. You can't write a book about it or try to sell the story to XYZ or one of those other tabloids. If you ever do that, the contract is broken and they will come after you for every cent you earn, as well as damages. Understood?"

I nodded at her mutely. "I would never do that, Elena."

"I know. You're a good girl—probably too good to be working here, b

ut everybody's got their reasons. And trust me, they're all good ones."

I bit my lip. I wanted this so badly, but my thoughts were going into overdrive. "Aren't you worried that the press is going to find out about me? A girlfriend from out of nowhere is going to make a lot of people curious—especially when it comes to Chase Layne."

Elena smiled at me. "I've got you covered. I had a high-profile client out in California recently. It taught me a thing or two about protecting my employee's identities. We'll have false identification prepared for you once you sign the contract. A new name with a new driver's license, birth certificate, etcetera. I'll have it ready for you later today."

She packed a conservative grey dress and some silky tank tops. "Another thing… When I spoke with Chase's agent, Eric, he was very clear about the image he wants you to project. Chase's ex was a television journalist—very flashy, with fancy nails, fake boobs and designer clothes. They want the opposite of that. No body-conscious clothes, not a lot of makeup… They just want you to look pretty. Innocent." She gave me a wry smile.

"Works for me."

Elena continued bustling about. "Your backstory is your parents are dead and you're an only child. From New Hampshire. You have family money. You've been looking for a job around Boston but haven't found anything promising yet. You met Chase at the Barnes and Noble in Harvard Square. There was an instant spark. He knew right away that you were a nice girl, unlike that cheater who just left him."

She put a sophisticated, expensive-looking black dress into the garment bag. "Your new name is Avery Brighton. And you have your whole, beautiful, sparkling life in front of you—with Chase Layne."

* * *