“Is it true? About the detective you hired?”

“No,” I said sheepishly. “But I know someone who can do that. I just wanted her to leave you alone.”

“Thank you,” she said. “You’ve been too good to me.”

“Not as good as you deserve,” I said. “I should have just threatened her to begin with. Then she wouldn’t have gotten so greedy.” I sighed and pulled her to me. “Let’s just forget the drama for now. Your mother’s been handled.” One down, one to go. “Let’s go to the reception. Both of our mothers have left me in serious need of a drink.”

“Is the wedding over?” She peered at the church, looking crestfallen.

“Close enough. I don’t think going back in there right now is wise. Let’s just head to the Plaza.” I called Kai; he pulled up in less than a minute.

“So, you left during the ceremony?”

“I gave the rings to my cousin. He handled it,” I said, shrugging. “I don’t even think Todd noticed.”

“What about your parents?”

“I didn’t check in with them, Audrey. I don’t care.”

She reached over and squeezed my hand. “James. What your mother said to me last night… you would care about it.”

“I don’t care what my mother wants,” I said. “I care what you want. And you still haven’t told me.” I watched her profile, flustered but still perfect. “Tell me what you want, Audrey.”

She fidgeted, and I sighed while I waited, my headache coming back. I put my hand on her thigh. I wanted her to feel me, to remember what it was like to have my hands on her.

“What I want and what you need are two different things.” She put her hand over mine. “Does that make sense?”

“No,” I said. “No, it does not.” It didn’t make sense, and it sounded like a thinly veiled letdown. My head started to pound. We pulled up outside the building, and I led her in, waiting for her to talk. The Plaza was s

plendid, decorated with every care for Evie and Todd’s reception. I noticed none of it, walking through the ornately decorated lobby and heading straight for the bar in the ballroom. We were the first guests here—we had the place all to ourselves.

“Two martinis, please. Hot and dirty.”

Audrey raised her eyebrow at me. “I’ve never heard you order that before.”

“I’m just trying to keep you interested,” I said, fighting to keep my voice even. I felt like I was about to lose something, and I never lost. Fuck. This could not be happening to me.

She had the upper hand and I had… nothing.

“Of course I’m interested,” she said, a soothing sound in her voice. The actress was back, trying to calm me, trying to give me another pass.

“Audrey. Don’t. I need to hear something from you that makes sense.” The bartender handed us our drinks, and I took a long sip.

She leaned back against the bar and exhaled, as if she was either frustrated or defeated—or both. Then she turned and played with my jacket, putting her mask aside and looking at me with those big, honest Bambi eyes of hers. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m just trying to keep it together right now. There’s just a lot… to consider. It’s not just about me.”

She pressed herself against me, and I felt myself growing thick and hot against her, like I always did. This time, though, my arousal was almost painful. I didn’t know what she wanted, and it was cutting me. I leaned down and kissed her, parting her lips and deepening the kiss, my tongue searching for hers.

She pulled back. “I have to do the right thing for you. That’s what I want.”

I kissed her again, running my hands over her bare shoulders delicately. I needed to show her what the right thing was. I grabbed her hand and put it on my cock. It throbbed against her.

It may have been crude, but it was honest. I needed her.

“James.” She tried to pull away, but I stared down at her, willing her not to, as I grew harder still against her touch.

“Don’t pull away from me. Ever.” I meant that in more ways than one.

Other guests were starting to arrive, so I quickly grabbed her hand and brought her down the back hall. I found the coat-check room. It was June, so the room was empty. I pulled her inside and pressed her up against the wall, my erection fierce and accusatory against her now.