Which was saying something.

She wanted to tell me about how her assignment was going. We’d gone to a bathroom at the other end of the restaurant to avoid James’s family and anyone else connected to the wedding. “He’s frickin’ crazy,” she said, applying blush to her face with a pouffy brush. She added lip gloss and fluffed her hair. “I swear to God, I’ve never been with someone who wants to have this much sex. He can’t keep his hands off me.”

“Even in the dressing room at a fancy store?” I asked.

“Yeah. He totally thinks he’s above the law, right? It’s a billionaire thing—he thinks the rules don’t apply to him.

“He just followed me when I was trying this dress on. We weren’t in there for two seconds, and he pinned me up against the wall. With the sales clerk right outside! He had to lift me up so they couldn’t see our feet together. And he fucked me like crazy. I had to slap my hand over his mouth though ’cause he’s a yeller when he comes. Real loud, Dre. Real loud. And he likes me to do this thing with his balls—”

“Jenny—I don’t need to know the thing about his balls!”

Jenny fanned herself. “Fine. But I’m gettin’ hot just thinking about it. I should be exhausted, but I’m not. Jesus. He’s worse than Loospy and Fat Vinnie put together.”

“Do you like him?”

“Are you kidding me? This is the best time I’ve had with a John, ever. It’s like we’re the same person. Except he’s rich, and he’s a guy. And that thing with his balls.”

“Huh,” I said.

“Huh is right.” She turned to me and inspected my face. “Mr. Sex in a Suit is a little romance-y tonight, Dre. He’s got it real bad. I almost feel sorry for him. Did you bat him around like a cat toy last night?”

I decided to spare Jenny the actual ugly details of the past twenty-four hours. “I might have… a little.”

She nodded at me, a knowing look on her face. “It worked. You better watch it. I know that look he’s got.”

“Jenny, stop.”

I paused and then said, “What look is that, exactly?”

She rolled her eyes at me. “I think he might be in love with you. I’m just sayin’.” She shrugged. “He doesn’t look like he’s pretending anymore.”

“That only happens in the movies.”

“Then I’ll come over and film you,” she snapped. “Jesus, Dre. You gotta loosen up a little. Sometimes good things happen to good people.”

“Huh,” I said.

“Huh is right. Let’s go. We don’t want your Mr. Suit to cry because he misses you… and Coley’s hand hasn’t been on my ass in more than five minutes. My butt’s gettin’ cold.”

* * *

“What’s going on with Cole and Jenny?” I asked James when we were driving home.

“I have no idea,” he said. “Last night I thought it was just physical. Tonight I don’t know. What does Jenny say?”

“That they have sex non-stop.”

“That’s what Cole said, too.”

“So that’s good,” I said. “They’re enjoying each other.” I wonder what’s going to happen afterward, I thought. If it’ll become a regular thing. I didn’t say it out loud; I didn’t want the conversation to circle back to us. It was something I wasn’t prepared to face.

“They’re coming to the Bahamas,” James said. All of a sudden he was shaking with silent laughter. “I think Todd’s rewarding me for my good behavior all week. My mother’s gonna have a fit.”

“I’m surprised Evie’s allowing it after Jenny tried to fight her last night.”

“Her cousins think Cole’s hot,” James said and shrugged. “They voted for eye candy on the trip.”

“Speaking of eye candy, I’ll make sure to tell Jenny to pack thong bikinis,” I said, grinning and feeling pleased. Being around my friend always made me feel better. I was glad she would be there next week just for that selfish reason, but the added benefit of her parading around in front of the Prestons in a minuscule bikini warmed my heart.