“Everyone, I know Arthur’s wishes must come as a shock to all of you,” Robert stated, “but I can assure you he was of sound mind and body when he wrote this will. Further, as Ms. Armstrong has stated, it was Arthur’s hope that you both could work together side by side and truly become brothers.”

“Robert, you act like this is some kind of family reunion,” Maximus returned, “when that’s far from the case. We—” he motioned around the room “—are here because my father was a liar, a cheat and a coward. It sickens me. And only now in his death does he have the courage to speak up? This is nothing short of Shakespearean.”

“Please, take some time to let all of this sink in, give it time to settle,” Robert replied softly. “You’ll see he was finally trying to be fair.”

“While ripping the ground right out from underneath me? He’s given a complete stranger—” Maximus responded with contempt as he pointed to Tahlia “—two percent of his company, and I want to know why.”

“I don’t know why,” Tahlia replied, squaring her shoulders. “I certainly didn’t ask him for it. I was just a friend. An ear to listen when he needed it. And vice versa. I know that may be hard or strange to believe given our age difference, but nothing untoward happened between me and Arthur. He was like a father to me, giving me advice about life, work...and I—I miss him, too...” Her voice broke, and she turned away from him, clutching her hand to her mouth.

It made Maximus feel like a heel because he’d clearly upset her when he hadn’t meant to. He just wanted answers. He had a right to know why half of the company he’d devoted his life to had been given to a son his father never claimed and someone who wasn’t even a member of the Knight family. He was boiling with rage, but venting at a woman wasn’t his style. Nor would he give Lucius the satisfaction of seeing him falter, but one thing was for certain: he wasn’t about to give up the battle for Tahlia’s 2 percent, which was rightfully his.

Maximus bent down to speak to his mother, who was still reeling at the news. He whispered in her ear, trying to soothe her frayed nerves. “There’s nothing we can do at this moment. Give me some time to figure this out, okay?”

She nodded.

Maximus glanced up and watched Robert pack up his briefcase and then come over to him. “Max, I’m sorry how this all turned out for you,” he said. “I warned Arthur that this wasn’t the best approach, and he should have discussed his choices with you sooner rather than blindsiding you.”

Maximus shrugged. “Why should I be surprised, Robert? I’ve never been able to do enough or achieve enough to gain my father’s respect, and now this? He didn’t even think I could run his company.”

Robert patted his shoulder reassuringly and quietly walked away.

What was he supposed to do now? Maximus’s mind was jumbled as to what his next move should be. He glanced across the room and saw Lucius, Jocelyn and Naomi speaking quietly while Tahlia stood in the background, watching the entire scene. She was clearly uncomfortable to be in the middle of a family squabble. And it surprised him that he felt protective over a woman he’d just met and wanted to comfort her, but he did.

So he strolled toward her.

She smiled when he approached, and Maximus’s stomach flipped. Something that never happened with other women. Usually his time spent with the fairer sex was either as a companion for an event or his bedmate. Nothing more.

Tahlia Armstrong fit neither of those categories.

“Are you all right?” he inquired.

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that question?” she responded with a half smile. “I mean, I didn’t have my entire life turned upside down today with no warning.”

“Very true, but you also became an instant millionaire today,” he said smoothly, regarding her intently. “Two percent in Knight Shipping is nothing to laugh at.”

“No, I don’t suppose it is,” she said demurely.

And then there it was again, a hint of a blush on her rosy cheeks. She looked downward, not quite looking at him, and that was when he realized Tahlia Armstrong was flustered by him. Maximus had to figure out how to use that to his advantage.

“You should stay for dinner,” he stated quietly, surprising even himself with the offer.


He grinned. “Yes, you do eat, don’t you?”

She chuckled, and Maximus had to admit he liked the sound of it. “I do.”

“Then join me. I mean, me and my mother that is.”

Tahlia glanced over to his brother. “Is Lucius and his family welcome to join us?”

Max bristled inwardly. He hated being backed into a corner, but in order to figure out his next move where Tahlia was concerned, he might have to tolerate a meal with his older brother and harlot of a mother. Though he had no ill will against Naomi.

“If that means you’ll agree, then yes.”

* * *

Tahlia smiled. She’d won a small victory in getting Maximus to agree to dinner with his brother, Lucius. When Robert had first telephoned her a couple of days ago, she’d been unprepared for the bombshell he was about to drop on her. One day she was a lowly assistant at an art gallery in Los Angeles, the next she was the owner of the gallery as well as a 2 percent partner in Knight Shipping, one of the largest shipping companies in the United States. Talk about a change in circumstances overnight! Not to mention she was finally going to get close enough to Maximus to actually have a conversation after seeing him only from afar!