Waverly pinched his arm.

“Ouch.” Dominic laughed. “Why did I get pinched for just trying to tell you I’m glad you came to your senses and realized how you felt about me?”

“Gee,” Waverly gushed with a huff, “how did I get so lucky?”

“According to Stan Harvey, I’m the lucky one.”

“The Harveys were here?” She sat up further, pulling herself up on her elbow. “I missed them?”

Dominic turned to face her. Her heart melted. The lamp on the dresser on his side of the bed was still lit, haloing his body. “They stopped by for the Pearl Harbor convocation at Southwood High.”

“I can’t believe I missed them.” Her heart ached. Had they not gone out to the Harveys’ last week, Waverly might not have acknowledged her feelings for Dominic. “Damn it.”

“Hey now,” Dominic said, tipping her chin with his index finger, “such language for a beauty queen. What would the Morality Committee say?”

Heart fluttering, Waverly nipped his finger. “I don’t see them around here anywhere.”

“So they can’t see me do this?” Dominic dipped his fingers below the peach-colored sheet and pulled a nipple into his mouth. The warmth of his tongue set her on fire.

Waverly kicked the covers off them and in a swift move straddled Dominic’s waist. He looked up at her with half-closed eyes. His hands rested on her hips. Waverly positioned herself just right, just enough to tease him with the apex of her thighs. Dominic’s large hands covered her breasts. He rolled her nipples between his fingers and moisture pooled between her legs. Waverly balanced herself by holding on to his beautifully sculpted abdomen. She enjoyed watching his ripped chest, covered in tattoos, shiver.

“Woman.” Dominic groaned. “You’re killing me here.”

“I’m trying to savor this moment,” said Waverly. She leaned forward and slid herself onto his hard erection. Dominic lifted his head and captured her lips. Waverly deepened her kiss. Her breasts brushed against his chest. “I could stay like this all night long.” She caressed his whiskered chee

k and traced his top lip with her tongue before pulling his bottom lip into her mouth. Dominic’s body tensed and he allowed her to kiss him like that for a moment. Finally, as if he couldn’t take it, he grabbed her behind and flipped her onto the bed.

“We’ll try to stay like that later. Not right now.” Dominic wrapped her legs around his waist and drove in. “Right now I need this.”

* * *

“Tell me more about your beauty queen,” said Dario, helping himself to a beer at Dominic’s ranch. “She’s hot. Her mom’s a piece of work, though.”

Later that evening, the Crowne family was rummaging through Dominic’s storage to retrieve all the Christmas supplies they needed for the Douglas fir they were going to decorate this evening. Waverly said she was coming, which only made Dominic anticipate the evening even further. He would have his family and Waverly in the same room. He wondered if Jillian would arrive with her.

“Don’t get any ideas,” Dominic said flatly. He followed his brother into the kitchen and grabbed the last beer left in the fridge without taking out the cardboard container. The twins were seven years younger than him and, to this day, it was hard to see them legally drinking. Even harder to see drink was Alisha, who waltzed into the kitchen and stopped the refrigerator door from closing. She grunted at the sight of the empty six-pack container and reached for Dominic’s.

“Youngest buys the beer,” said Dominic.

“Whatever,” Alisha said with an eye roll.

“We’ve been here a week and worked nonstop on fifteen cars for your parade.” Dario set his beer on the counter and leaned against the stove. “So, seriously, what’s going on with you?”

“I’m good, man,” Dominic said, avoiding the root of Dario’s questioning. “Business is great. Alisha’s coming around to being a responsible adult.”

“He’s referring to you and Waverly,” Alisha informed Dominic.

Dominic stood against the island bar. “Thanks,” he replied with a sarcastic smirk.

“Waverly isn’t your typical girl,” Dario noted.

“What is his typical girl?” Darren asked, coming into the room. He leaned forward and rested his elbows on the counter. “I always assumed he was going to marry a car.”

“What?” Dominic twisted off the cap of his beer and took a sip. “I’ve dated plenty of women in my lifetime.”

The three siblings shared a questioning look and then started laughing.

Dominic shook his head. “Just because the women I dated didn’t land me in jail,” he said, looking at Dario and then at Darren, “or get me hauled into the disciplinary action committee at school, doesn’t mean I didn’t date.”