“Brother?” Waverly looked back and forth at the two of them. The judge, Will Ravens, was the CEO of Ravens Cosmetics. When Dominic wanted to look sharp in a suit, he definitely looked the part of a business mogul...even standing next to one.

“Frat brother,” Dominic explained. “We went to college together.”

For some reason it surprised Waverly to learn Dominic joined a fraternity in college. She pictured him as a loner, honing his mechanic skills on his car. But then again, Dominic did say over dinner that he hated being referred to as a mechanic. He was an engineer.

“Yes,” said Charles, “Will was one of the judges today.”

“That’s right.” Waverly nodded and recalled the introduction. The contestants had been sequestered in downtown Southwood and kept away from the judges just to lower the odds of fraternization. The judges weren’t revealed until the pageant. Turning slightly to her side, Waverly came face-to-face with Dominic with the help of her four-inch strappy sandals. Dominic pressed his lips against her temple. A warm and fuzzy feeling washed over her.

Photographers shoved cameras in her face. Flashes blinded her. People stood by her side, wanting photograph after photograph. All the shame she’d gone through by losing the Miss South Georgia title washed away. She tried to focus on the main goal—the road to Miss Georgia—but the only thing on her mind was the secure hold Dominic kept around her waist as he stood next to her.

Zoe Baldwin and Will Ravens appeared together. “Pleased to meet you, Waverly. Congratulations on your win.”

“Thank you,” Waverly said slowly. Waverly stepped forward and shook Zoe’s hand. “You’re awesome, Miss Zoe. It was a real pleasure to meet you this afternoon. I am a huge fan.”

“But better working with me.” Titus brought up the rear of the group. His smugness was enough to knock Zoe off the stage with a quick hip bump. Waverly frowned at the action.

But any time she had to be alone, she wanted to spend with Dominic. She wanted to properly thank him for the dress he had flown in from Italy.

“I thought we could go out and celebrate tonight,” Dominic said with a hug.

“Sounds good to me.” Waverly inhaled his scent, committing it to memory. He smelled spicy.

“I know we haven’t spent any time together this week due to practicing for the pageant, and I am looking forward to spending more time alone with you,” Dominic began. “Will’s leaving in the morning and I wanted to include him tonight for dinner.”

The pit of her stomach dropped. Waverly prayed she covered her disappointment with a wide, toothy smile. “Sure.”

Another reporter came over, this one from Pageant Pride Gazette, wanting a few words. Running in the same circles as her, Waverly had come across Marion Strickland several times before, and she knew this interview was important, especially if she was ever going to shake the dethroning incident.

Waverly reluctantly left Dominic’s side to take care of pageant business besides winning a ton of products from Ravens Cosmetics and a chance to apply for the Miss Georgia. Waverly’s heart swelled with pride. She hadn’t even told her mother about trying out for another pageant. This one she’d accomplished without her mother’s help. And it felt good.

For a better background, the reporter and her cameraman suggested filming the interview outside on the docks of Magnolia Palace. Dominic and his friend moseyed outside, as well. From across the lush, green yard, Dominic nodded in her direction. They both caught each other at the right time. He stood listening to his friend and winked. Dominic’s smile made her toes curl. What a shame they were going to share dinner tonight with his friends, Waverly thought. Maybe for dessert she’d find another way to thank Dominic for his help. A burning desire to run her hands underneath his jacket consumed her. From being around him, she’d memorized every inch of his body. It was time to commit the feel of his body, as well.

“Here we are again, Miss Waverly,” said Marion. “Or shall I now call you Miss Southwood?” They both sat on wooden benches on the docks of the Magnolia Palace, overlooking the private lake. The high afternoon sun sent sparkles from her diamond tiara, which were reflected across Marion’s face.

“Come on now, Marion,” Waverly gushed. “We go back a while now. You can just call me Waverly.”

Marion, a gorgeous young woman close to thirty, smiled. “So you know I’m curious about the whole incident leading up to being dethroned.”

Of course she was, Waverly thought. “Must we?” she asked with a droll sigh. “The incident is a thing of the past.” Thanks to her fast track into the Miss Southwood Pageant, Waverly had never had a chance to tell Dominic the full story surrounding her being dethroned.

“I understand,” said Marion. “I guess we can tell everyone you’re back on track. It is nice to see you bounce back so quickly.”

“Thank you,” Waverly said, reaching out and squeezing Marion’s hand.

“Well, I won’t hold you up. I just wanted to get a few pictures of you outside with your gorgeous tiara.”

Perfect timing, Waverly thought as Dominic made his way toward her. His hands stretched out for Waverly to take. “Almost done here?”

“Almost, stud,” Marion answered.

“It turns out Will and Zoe can’t make it tonight. Are you okay if it’s just us?”

“Just us?” Marion asked, stepping between the two of them. “And exactly who are you to Waverly?” Before letting either one of them give an answer, Marion walked around Dominic’s large frame. “Let’s see, I feel like I’m sensing more than a sponsorship. You’re dressed in a five-thousand-dollar suit. You smell of money and success. So you’re not Waverly’s typical bad boy.”

Waverly bit her bottom lip and glanced toward the water to avoid Dominic’s questioning yet curious gaze.

* * *