He spun around on his heel. “By staying with a man who didn’t love you and pined for another woman? For what? So I could inherit the keys to the kingdom?” He chuckled wryly. “Well, you can see what good that did you. He screwed you over yet again.”

“He screwed us both, Max,” his mother responded tightly. “He’s given half your birthright over to that no-good playboy brother of yours.”

Maximus eyed her warily. “Be careful, Mother. Be very careful.”

“Why? Don’t tell me you’re feeling sentimental about a brother you never knew you had and who’s trying to take what’s rightfully yours.”

Maximus didn’t believe for a second that was the case. Lucius had been as shocked as he was by the bequest. He hadn’t known he was Arthur’s son until that moment in the hospital a couple of weeks ago, when his mother had railed at him. Maximus had seen the horror that had crossed his older brother’s face when the realization had sunk in that not only had his mother been carrying on an affair for decades with their father, but that he’d been the result of it. Lucius had been devastated.

Despite that, however, Maximus wasn’t about to let an interloper, an outsider, walk in and take what was his. He’d been groomed his entire life to run Knight Shipping, and no one, brother or no brother, or their sexy partner, Tahlia Armstrong, would get in his way. He would see to it.

“Of course I’m not sentimental, Mother,” Maximus responded. “But haven’t you heard the old phrase ‘you catch more flies with honey’? Don’t worry.”

Her brown eyes stared at him incredulously. “How can I not be worried when half your inheritance is being stolen?”

“We have to play it cool, Mother. Because if there’s one thing I’ve learned in business, it’s that we mustn’t show our hand. I promise you, I’ll get what’s mine. I promise you. All in due time.”


“I have a plan.”

Copyright © 2017 by Yahrah Yisrael

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