The pop star shook her head. “Sorry. Now’s not a good time.”

“I saw her live stream. Is she okay?”

“She’s resting, but I’ll tell her you stopped by.”

“I’ll tell her myself.” Chase stepped past Geneviève and marched through the main floor, shouting Demi’s name. He found her in the master bedroom, sitting on the bench at the foot of the bed, holding an ice pack on her head. Esmerelda was rubbing her back and said something in Spanish that made Demi giggle.

Chase stood in the doorway, watching them for a long moment. Shoving his hands into his pockets, he took a deep, calming breath. He was angry and confused, but his heart ached for Demi and he hoped she wasn’t hurt.

Their eyes met and the color drained from her face. Straightening her bent shoulders, she dabbed at her eyes with her hand then tugged at the sleeve of her Obama-themed sweatshirt.

“Chase, you’re here,” she said in a quiet voice. “What’s up?”

Esmerelda stood. “I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone. I’ll be in the kitchen making lunch, but holler if you need anything.”

The musician left but Chase could hear her whispering in the hallway with Geneviève and locked the door so the women couldn’t re-enter the bedroom. “How are you feeling?”

“Embarrassed, stupid and sore. I’m a curvy girl, but fainting hurts like hell!”

“You’re pregnant?”

“It appears so.” Demi gestured to the end table, drawing his gaze to the mountain of discarded pregnancy tests. “They all came out positive, even the ones that were expired. I have a doctor’s appointment at three o’clock, but don’t get your hopes up. I’m definitely pregnant.”

“Who is he? Who have you been cheating on me with?”

Lines creased her forehead. “Come again?”

“Is it your ex?” he continued, his hands balling into fists at his sides. “That NHL player who likes flirting with you on Twitter? Or one of your many male admirers?”

“No one. You’re the only man I’ve been with. I swear.”

“You’re lying.”

Standing, she dumped the ice pack on the floor and stared him down. “No, I’m not. I’m pregnant with your child. Why don’t you believe me?”

“Because I’m sterile!” he shouted, giving voice to his anger, even though he’d promised himself he wouldn’t lose his temper. “I can’t have kids, so the baby can’t be mine!”

An awkward silence filled the room. He heard the wall clock above the door ticking and his pulse pounding in his ear, and wondered if Demi could hear the deafening sound, too. Wearing a sad smile, she crossed the room to him and then wrapped her arms around his waist. His heartbeat slowed, his anger evaporated, and love flowed through his body. Demi held him, gently stroked his neck and his shoulders, proving once again she did have the magic touch.

“I’m a hundred percent sure you’re the father of this baby, and I’m willing to take a paternity test to prove it. But what makes you think you’re sterile?”

Chase winced. He hated the S-word, wished it didn’t make him feel broken inside, but it did. He was damaged goods and, once Demi knew the truth, she wouldn’t want him. Blinking uncontrollably, he gazed out the window. He didn’t want her to see the tears in his eyes and dodged her gaze. Aside from group therapy, he never discussed his accident, and just thinking about it made his mouth dry and his stomach churn.

“I had a horseback riding accident last year,” he began, trying his best to maintain his composure. “I was at the Hamptons Equestrian Club with Juliet and we got into an argument about her birthday. I refused to propose at her party and she started ranting and raving about what an insensitive jerk I was.”

“Oh, Chase, that’s terrible. You don’t deserve to be treated like that. No one does.”

In his mind’s eye he saw the riding stable, the chestnut mare, heard a deafening shout explode from his mouth as his body sailed through the air then crashed violently to the ground. He shivered at the memory, tried but couldn’t delete the horrific images from his thoughts. Demi must have sensed his unease because she led him over to the bed and forced him to sit.

“Baby, go on. I’m listening,” she said, stroking his clammy hands. “Take as long as you need. I’m not going anywhere.”

“I told Juliet to lower her voice because I could tell the horses were getting agitated, but she wouldn’t stop yelling at me. The next thing I knew, my horse takes off, running full-speed, tossing me to the ground.”

“Oh my goodness! You could have been killed!” Demi tenderly caressed his cheek. “I’m glad you’re okay. What a frightening ordeal.”

“Dr. Pellegrini said it was a miracle I survived. I broke my collarbone, fractured my wrist, elbow and shoulder, and required emergency surgery on my right leg. Worst of all, the fall caused testicular trauma.”

Chase paused to take a deep breath.