Demi pinched his butt and Chase yelped.

“I’m serious—”

“So am I. And to answer your question, yes, I turned off the stove and our dinner is in the oven.” Staring deep into her eyes, he brushed a lock of hair away from her face. “Demi, this has never been a fake relationship to me. It’s always been the real thing.”

“It has?” she asked in a quiet voice.

“Yeah, from day one. I went along with the publicity stunt because I knew it was what you wanted, but in my eyes you’ve always been my girl, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Her heart stopped and Demi thought she’d die of happiness. For the first time in her life, she had a loving, supportive boyfriend who cared about her wholeheartedly and, for as long as Demi lived, she’d never forget how special Chase made her feel in that moment. Kissing him passionately on the lips, she rolled on top of him and positioned herself on his lap.

“What are you doing? I figured we’d get dressed and go downstairs to have dinner,” he said, an amused expression on his face. “Aren’t you hungry?”

“Yeah, but not for food. You’re leaving for London in the morning, so we have to make the most of tonight. Now assume the position or else.”

Chase erupted in laughter. “Woman, you’re going to be the death of me.”

“No,” she countered, dropping her gaze to his stiff erection and slowly licking her lips. “I’m about to make you the happiest man alive, and when I’m done you’ll be singing my praises!”

Cupping her face in his hands, he brushed his nose against hers and said, “Baby, I always do.”

Chapter 18

Maidstone Club attracted New York’s most prominent families, and as Demi entered the centuries-old building on Sunday afternoon with Geneviève and her girlfriends at her side, she resisted the urge to dance through the doors. Giddy with excitement, she admired her chic surroundings. Set high on a hill, the country club was filled with dark, gleaming wood, antique furniture and tall windows offering striking views of the Atlantic Ocean. Everyone from billionaires to former presidents frequented the establishment and Demi spotted several famous faces as she strode through the club with a bounce in her step.

“Welcome to the Maidstone Club, Ms. Harris,” greeted the slender British woman with red eyeglasses and a feathered hat. “The Hamptons Women’s Society is honored to have you with us and we’re excited to hear you speak.”

Demi recalled meeting the president last year at a networking event and smiled as she shook her hand. “Thanks for having me, Ms. Wright. I’m thrilled to be here.”

Entering the grand ballroom moments later, Demi’s mouth watered at the delicious aromas in the air. The wait staff served refreshments, women in extravagant hats and designer dresses sashayed around on high heels, and a pianist played beautiful music. All across the room, people socialized, hugged and posed for pictures.

Eager to join the fun, Demi smoothed her hands down her hips. The canary-yellow fit-and-flare dress was a gift from her mom, and she loved how it skimmed her curves.

Demi socialized with attendees, snapped selfies and uploaded them to her social media. Within seconds Chase commented on her photographs, calling her a ravishing beauty, and her heart swelled with emotion. He’d returned from London two hours earlier and had called her from the Crawford family plane. Hearing his voice had given her a rush. He’d wished her luck, told her to wow everyone at the tea, and insisted on taking her out for a celebratory dinner that evening. Demi couldn’t wait for their eight o’clock date. While Chase was in London they’d video-chatted daily, but it wasn’t the same as seeing him face-to-face and Demi was counting down the minutes until she was back in his arms.

A hush fell over the room and attendees hurried to their seats. The music faded and an Asian woman in a teal fascinator appeared at the podium. She greeted the crowd then spoke with pride about the history of the fifty-year-old organization. Standing beside the display table, whispering with, Gigi, Demi’s gaze panned the crowd. She didn’t see Mrs. Crawford anywhere and wondered if Chase’s mom had changed her mind about attending t

he event.

“Ms. Harris, it’s time,” said the president. “Are you ready to deliver your speech?”

Demi flashed a thumbs-up. “I was born ready. Let’s do this, Ms. Wright!”

“I love your enthusiasm.” Ms. Wright patted Demi’s hand then gave it a firm squeeze. “I must admit, Ms. Harris, when the planning committee brought forth your name as the possible guest speaker, I was very apprehensive, but now that I’ve spent some time getting to know you, I can see that we made a fine choice. You are truly a delight, Ms. Harris.”

“So are you, Ms. Wright, and I look forward to attending more events in the future.”

“I would love that. You’re just the kind of woman this association needs.”

The president escorted her to the front of the room. Demi stood to the left of the stage, listened to the emcee read her biography and took a deep, calming breath. She heard Chase’s voice in her ears, reminding her that she was smart, capable and talented, and stamped down the butterflies in her stomach. Adjusting her wide-brimmed hat, she noticed her girlfriends waving wildly and blowing kisses at her, and laughed at their antics.

“It’s my pleasure to introduce to you, beauty and lifestyle expert, Demi Harris!”

The applause was deafening. Her legs wobbled as if she was walking on stilts, but Demi climbed the stairs, hugged the emcee and took her place behind the glass podium. “It’s an honor to be here,” she began, ignoring the quaver in her voice. “For those of you who don’t know me, I’m the fun, boisterous girl from North Philly who turned her passion for fashion, dating and YouTube into a lucrative career.”

Whistles pierced the air, drawing everyone’s attention to the back of the room and Demi hoped her girlfriends hadn’t spiked their tea with whiskey. I can’t take these heifers anywhere!

“The motto of the Hamptons Women’s Society is simple—One Mind. One Purpose. One Mission. ‘Helping one woman at a time.’ Those are words I hold close to my heart,” she continued. “Everything I learned about kindness and compassion, I learned from my mother, Althea Harris. She was a single mom with two daughters to feed, but she was generous with her time and money and taught me that nothing matters more than helping someone in need...”