“The accident was six months ago, but my back is still out of whack, so I’m forced to use painkillers.”

“Wow, that’s tough,” Demi said in a sympathetic tone of voice. “Have you tried yoga or deep breathing exercises to strengthen your spine? What about natural remedies such as eucalyptus oil or turmeric? They improve circulation and reduce inflammation.”

“No, but they’re definitely worth a try.” Eyeing her closely, Chase stroked the length of his jaw. “How do you know so much about pain remedies? Were you a medical student back in the day?”

“God no!” Demi shrieked with a laugh. “My mom has arthritis and says eucalyptus oil works wonders on her sore, aching elbows and knees.”

“Thanks for the tip, baby.”

A dad, with three school-aged children in Adidas track suits, snapped pictures of h

is brood in front of the nature exhibit and Demi gasped. “Oh, my gosh, they’re adorable,” she gushed. “When I have kids, I’m going to make them wear identical outfits, too.”

Chase tugged at his shirt collar. Will Demi even want to be with me if I can’t have kids? Is my condition a deal breaker?

“Do you want to have children one day?”

I did before the horseback riding accident.

“I’m not sure,” he lied, noticing Yu Yan standing at the entrance. He stood. He wanted to continue talking to Demi about her future plans, but he didn’t want to keep their tour guide waiting.

Back on his Segway, Chase followed Yu Yan and Demi to the main road, admiring his girlfriend’s fine, feminine shape. All day they’d been flirting with each other and her naughty jokes had aroused him.

They returned to Hamptons Tours at seven o’clock, thanked Yu Yan for a great day and gave the college student a generous tip. As they were leaving the building, Demi raised her iPhone in the air, snuggled against him and pressed the camera app. “Say cheese!” she shrieked, flashing the peace sign.

“You need a social media break.” Chase took her cell phone and stuffed it in the back pocket of his black athletic pants. “You’ve been tweeting and posting and sharing all afternoon, and I don’t want to compete with your iPhone for the rest of the night.”

The smile slid off her face. “What are you doing?”

“Saving you from yourself.”

“But I’m supposed to document our dates on social media. Katia’s orders, remember?” she said. “We need to show the world that Sparks is the best dating app on the market, and I can’t do that without my phone, so hand it over.”

Amused, Chase reached out and curled a lock of hair around an index finger. Demi wasn’t his fake girlfriend; she was his real girlfriend, and he wanted the world to know the truth. When they were apart he thought about her constantly, found activities for them to do and ways to please her in and out of the bedroom. Demi was his priority, his number-one girl, and he was ready to commit to her.

Yeah right, scoffed his inner voice. If Demi means the world to you then why are you keeping secrets from her? Why haven’t you told her about the horseback riding accident and life-changing diagnosis?

Guilt weighed on him, troubling his conscience. Was now the right time to tell Demi the truth? Should he wait until their three-month anniversary or tell her about his medical condition ASAP? The parking lot of the Hamptons Tours office wasn’t the right place to have a heart-to-heart, but he decided to talk to Demi before the night was over. “We accomplished our mission by putting Sparks on the map, so you don’t need your cell phone tonight. You can enjoy me instead.”

Demi caressed his chest through his long-sleeved, royal blue shirt. “I love the sound of that.”

“Where to next?” he asked, taking her hand in his. “Dinner, bowling, an Angela Bassett movie marathon at my place or all of the above?”

“Chase, I have to go home tonight. I have to update my blog, and I have two magazine articles due first thing tomorrow morning. If I spend the night at your place, I won’t get anything done.”

He wanted to protest, to argue that she could work in his home office after dinner, but he nodded his head instead and agreed to drop her at home. “As you wish,” he said, even though he was disappointed. “I know how important your career is to you, and I don’t want to do anything to stand in the way of your success.”

“Baby, don’t look so glum. Once I finish my work, I’ll make it up to you...in your bedroom...in your Range Rover...in your Jacuzzi.”

Turned on, Chase pulled her to his chest and kissed her mouth. Feasted on her soft, moist lips. As he caressed her skin, an idea filled his mind. He wanted Demi in his life, for the rest of his life, and was going to prove his love to her—even though he could never give Demi the family she wanted.

Chapter 17

Demi opened the trunk of her Aston Martin Raptor, retrieved her shopping bags and activated the alarm. The car was a gift from Geneviève, who was the official celebrity spokesperson for the European company, and the flashy pink, sports car was Demi’s most prized possession.

Yawning, tears filled her eyes. Demi was so tired she worried her legs would give way and she’d keel over into the bushes. She’d left the house bright and early that morning and spent much of her day rushing from one meeting to the next. Striding up the pathway, she blew out a deep breath. The sky was clear, the breeze light and the air warm. It was the perfect night for a bonfire or to have cocktails on the patio with friends, but Demi didn’t have the energy to socialize. She’d planned to meet her girl squad at their favorite Hamptons lounge to celebrate her good news, but she’d canceled that afternoon. Demi had been working nonstop for weeks, ever since she’d agreed to “play” Chase’s girlfriend, and her body yearned for sleep. But once she woke from her nap, she was going to visit Chase at his estate. He was leaving for London tomorrow morning, and even though he’d only be gone for a few days, Demi was going to miss him terribly—she always did when they were apart.

Relieved to be home, Demi climbed the steps to her two-bedroom condo. Hearing her cell phone, she fished it out of her leather shoulder bag. It stopped ringing then a text message popped up on the screen. It was from Chase and reading his joke made her giggle.