Demi winked. “Guilty as charged.”

“I love your YouTube channel. I’ve watched your one-night-stand video a million times.”

“Aww, that’s so sweet,” Demi said, peering at the server’s name tag. “Thanks, Heather.”

“Gosh, I hope I meet a guy like Chase one day because I’m sick of kissing frogs.”

Demi raised a fist in the air. “Girl, keep hope alive!”

The women laughed then gave each other a high five.

Chase looked amused, as if he was watching a sitcom, but Demi decided to indulge in a few minutes of harmless girl talk with the waitress. She enjoyed meeting her fans, often drew from their experiences to write her blog, and she wanted to encourage the server. “Heather, while you’re waiting for Mr. Right, spend your time becoming Mrs. Right. Pursue your passions, give back to your community, and work on being the best you you can be.”

“I will. Thanks!” The waitress yelped. “I better go. I’m supposed to be bussing tables and my boss is watching. ’Bye!”

Demi gestured in the direction the waitress had fled and spoke with enthusiasm. Couldn’t help it. She knew a hit when she heard one, and Katia’s plan sounded like a winner. “See! My followers love my dating segment, ‘Ask Demi,’ and my post about our one-night-stand received more views than any other video. People are dying to know more about you.”

“Okay. I’m in. I’ll have Katia send you the contract first thing in the morning.”

“Sounds good. I only have one stipulation.” Demi pointed her fork at her chest. “Every date I go on is the same ole thing—dinner, a movie or after-work drinks. Bor-ing. I crave fun and excitement, so I’ll plan all our dates.”

“You can plan the dates, but I’m paying for them.”

Demi laughed. “Boy, please, that goes without saying. A gentleman always pays, and I’ve been told I have expensive tastes so make sure you bring your platinum card!”

“With pleasure,” he said smoothly, watching her over the rim of his glass.

Tasting her salmon, Demi considered this new business venture with Chase. This week couldn’t get any better! She’d reconnected with Chase, interviewed an Oscar-winning actress for her blog, and agreed to speak at the Hamptons Women’s 50th Annual Tea. Demi couldn’t remember the last time she’d been this excited about an event, and had spent much of her day working on her keynote address. She loved the idea of socializing and networking with other successful women

in her community. The Hamptons Women’s Society did charitable, life-changing work, and Demi was eager to support the organization and its worthwhile causes.

Sadness gripped her heart and her shoulders sagged. She’d invited her mom to be her plus-one for the event, but Althea had claimed she had other plans and couldn’t attend the spring tea at the Maidstone Club. Despite the progress it felt like they’d made recently, their relationship was still strained over Demi’s resigning as Geneviève’s personal assistant.

Apparently her replacement was accident-prone and forgetful, and Althea seemed to blame Demi whenever Maribelle made a mistake. Thankfully, she still had Geneviève. Her sister was never too busy to talk or to meet for drinks, and Demi appreciated her support. Geneviève had bought two tables at the event so their girlfriends could attend, and next Saturday the group was going shopping to buy fascinators.

“How long are we supposed to play boyfriend and girlfriend for?” she asked, eager to hear more details about the clever publicity stunt. “A couple weeks? A month?”

“A month seems reasonable to me, but I’ll confirm with Katia. It’s her brainchild.”

Her iPhone lit up, but Demi ignored it. Chase was fun, a pleasure to be around, and she didn’t want anyone to infringe on their time together.

“A toast,” Chase proposed, raising his glass in the air. “To a winning partnership.”

“And outstanding sex!” she added, batting her eyelashes.

“I like how you think.”

Leaning over, he kissed her lips. Slowly, tenderly, as if he had all the time in the world. He nuzzled his nose against hers, causing her to giggle, and caressed her cheek with his hand. At his touch, her body came alive and her pulse rose.

“You took the words right out of my mouth.”

And what a delicious mouth it is! Her food forgotten, she caressed his jaw. She lifted her gaze to his eyes and swallowed a moan. In that moment Demi realized she’d never be able to resist him. How could she? Everything about Chase appealed to her—his intelligence, his sense of humor, his charm and his transparency—and when he sat back in his chair, Demi noticed every woman in the café was gawking at him. Pride flowed through her veins.

That’s right, he’s with me, she thought with a broad smile. So back off, vultures, or you’ll be sorry!

Chapter 16

Chase steered the sleek, black Segway around the teenagers standing in the middle of the sidewalk and dodged the bow-legged toddler running away from his mother. Determined to catch up to Demi and their tour guide, Yu Yan, he gripped the bar handle and leaned forward, his gaze focused on the object of his affection. He was a block away from Demi but he could see her chatting with Yu Yan and snapping selfies with her iPhone.