He hid a grin. “Mom, you didn’t have a heart attack. It was a heart episode, remember?”

“My dying wish is to see all of my sons happily married to women from esteemed families with great influence. Surely you’re not going to deny me my heart’s desire?”

“No, but Jonas will,” Chase said, struggling to keep a straight face. “He said he’d rather be euthanized than get married, so good luck getting him to the altar!”

Laughing, Estelle jabbed him in the shoulder with a finger. “You’re nothing but trouble, just like your brothers, but you’re no match for me. Mark my words. You’ll be married before the end of this year or my name’s not Estelle Jolene Iola Crawford.”

“Mom, you missed your calling,” he teased, patting her leg. “You shouldn’t be designing high-end jewelry. You should be on Broadway. You’re a natural.”

“Listen to me. I know what’s best for you and it’s Juliet. You’re a fantastic couple, just like Barack and Michelle, and Harry and Meghan.”

Chase heard a door slam then footsteps on the marble floor. Voices and high-pitched giggles filled the estate. He hoped Ezekiel had brought his daughters to the house, and not his wife Moriah. She was besties with Juliet and the last time he’d seen the veterinarian, she’d yakked incessantly about his ex. He hadn’t wanted to be rude, so he’d listened to her, but not today.

“Your father and I have been friends with the Wilmington family for almost three decades, and if you don’t marry Juliet, our relationship with them will be irrevocably damaged,” Estelle said in a solemn voice. “Is that what you want? To put a wedge between the two families?”

“No, of course not, but I’m not going to date Juliet just to appease you. That wouldn’t be fair to anyone.”

“Nonsense,” she huffed in a haughty tone of voice. “Sometimes in life you have to sacrifice your own happiness for the good of someone else...”

His interest waned and his mind wandered. He wondered what his family would think of Demi. His brothers and cousins thought she was interesting, and vivacious, and would welcome her into the family with open arms. And if his mom wasn’t obsessed with him marrying Juliet, she’d probably hit it off with Demi. They both had strong personalities and big hearts, but Chase knew his mom would give her a hard time about her unconventional job.

Demi didn’t work in an office, and his parents thought social media personalities were socially irresponsible and clueless. Demi was the exception; she used her platform to educate, inspire and encourage her followers. Last night, after he’d gotten off the phone with Demi, he’d checked out her blog. He’d read her posts for the past six months and learned some interesting facts about the beauty and lifestyle expert. She knew sign language, had co-written a song on Geneviève’s sophomore album, was obsessed with, Jeopardy, and volunteered at the boys and girls club once a month.

A notification popped up on his iPhone, brightening the screen, and he grabbed it off the bed. Curious about how Demi was doing, he read her latest post. Help! My trainer said I can’t leave the Hamptons Fitness Studio until I do fifty push-ups, but I’m gassed. Someone save me!

Stroking his jaw, Chase reconsidered his workout plan. He’d rather see Demi than go for a jog and if he told Katia he’d hung out with Demi, maybe she’d finally get off his back. All week she’d been pressuring him to romance Demi and Chase was sick of her endless dating tips. He knew she meant well—Mercedes, too—but he didn’t want their advice.

“I found terrific wives for Ezekiel and Remington, and I’ll do the same for you,” Estelle continued, tapping her pencil on her sketch pad. “Trust me, Juliet’s the right woman for you. She has to be. I picked her and I’m always right.”

“Mom, save your breath. It’s not going to happen.” Chase kissed her cheek then stood. He had to hurry. Demi had posted dozens of pictures from the Hamptons Fitness Studio and if he hurried, he could reach the gym before she left. “I’ll call you tomorrow. Remember what I said. Take it easy and get some rest. You need it.”

Ezekiel and his three, young daughters burst into the bedroom, singing a nursery rhyme in French. The kids hugged Estelle and she smothered their faces with kisses. Chase joined in the fun, tickling and hugging his nieces, and they giggled uncontrollably.

“It’s good to see you, man,” Ezekiel said with a nod. “How’s life?”

“Great. Never been better.”

“Are we still on for drinks on Friday night?”

“I can’t. I have a business dinner in Manhattan. But I’ll come over on Sunday to watch the Knicks game.” Chase took his aviator-style sunglasses out of his pocket and put them on. “See you later, bro.”

“What gives? The girls and I just got here,” Ezekiel said. “Where are you rushing off to?”

Chase winked. “To save a damsel in distress.”

Chapter 15

The Hamptons Fitness Studio exuded class and sophistication and the first thing Chase noticed when he entered the gym was how young and blond the clientele was. Cushioned benches lined the front entrance, music videos were projected on the walls and soaring ceilings and glass chandeliers complemented the chic décor. The air smelled of lavender, creating a calm, soothing vibe. It was six o’clock in the evening, but the gym was packed with yoga enthusiasts, tanned weight lifters and trophy wives in spandex.

“Welcome to the Hamptons Fitness Studio,” chirped the perky redhead behind the front desk. “How may I help you?”

“I’m here to pick up my girlfriend,” he said, the lie flowing smoothly off his lips. To verify his identity, he showed the receptionist his driver’s license and smiled when the redhead said she knew Jonas.

“I’ll have one of our staff tell Ms. Harris you’re here,” she said, reaching for the desk phone.

“Then it won’t be a surprise, will it?”

Pocketing his car keys, he marched purposely through the cardio room, searching for Demi.