“And your parents?” Althea continued, raising an eyebrow. “What do they do?”

Mortified, Demi poked her mom in the side with an elbow, but it didn’t help. Althea continued questioning Chase, acted as if they were alone in her South Hampton estate rather than on the tarmac at JFK. Her mom was being extra, and it was times like this Demi wished they lived on different continents. She’d never been more embarrassed in her life, and if she could hop into the limousine and flee the scene she would without a second thought.

“My father is a surgeon and my mother is a jewelry designer.”

Althea clutched her pearl necklace. “How fascinating. I have a seven o’clock business meeting, so I have to run, but I look forward to seeing you again soon, Chase. Tootles!”

Her family and friends climbed into the limousines and Demi sighed in relief.

“Demi, I feel terrible about what happened in Ibiza on Sunday and I wanted you to know how truly sorry I am for leaving your suite without saying goodbye...”

Rolling her eyes, she took her iPhone out of the pocket of her overalls, punched in her password and checked her email. Demi tightened her hold on her cell and peered intently at the screen. Reading the message from the president of the Hamptons Women’s Society caused excitement to flutter in the pit of her stomach. The organization wanted her to be the guest speaker at their annual tea in April and just the thought of hobnobbing with socialites, trophy wives, A-listers and successful businesswomen gave her an adrenaline rush.

“These are for you,” he said, extending his open arms. “I hope you like them.”

Demi kept her gaze on her iPhone. “No thanks. I hate balloons, flowers and chocolate.”

“Since when?” Chase wore a skeptical expression on his face. “On Saturday, I watched you eat not one, but two chocolate-fudge cupcakes when we had lunch, and when I tried to take one, you slapped my hand away.”

“That was then and this is now. I don’t want anything from you, so leave.”

His eyebrows knit together. “Oh, wow, you’re really mad at me—”

“Ya think? You played me in Ibiza and I’m disappointed in you,” she replied, unable to hide her frustration. “What did you think would happen when you came here? Did you think I would jump into your arms and kiss you passionately?”

His eyes brightened and a grin dimpled his cheeks. “That would be nice.”

“It’s not going to happen, so you can take your gifts, your weak-ass apology and that disarming smile of yours, and go back to your office.”

Demi tried to step past him but he stepped in front of her, blocking her path to the limousine.

“I saw the video you posted from the plane. I’m glad you’re interested in me, because I like you, too.”

“Then why did you leave my suite without saying goodbye?”

“I had to leave Ibiza in a hurry. I had a family emergency” he explained. “My mom had a heart attack on Sunday, so we packed our bags, hired a private jet and flew straight home.”

“And that’s the truth?”

“My mom’s name is Estelle Crawford and she’s in room 113 at Stony Brook Hospital.” Chase took his iPhone out of his back pocket and offered it to her. “If you don’t believe me, you can call the hospital and verify the information.”

Demi reached out and touched his arm. His honesty made all the difference, and now she wanted to support him in his time of need. “How is your mom doing now? Is she feeling better?”

“Yes, and hopefully she’ll be discharged by the end of the week.”

“Chase, that’s great. I hope she has a speedy recovery.”

“Me, too. Estelle is the foundation of our family. We’re nothing without her.”

Demi stared at him in awe, decided he was the sweetest man she had ever met. “I was right about you. You are a good guy trapped in a bad boy’s body!”

Chase chuckled and the sound of his loud, booming laugh gave her goose bumps.

“Thanks for the flowers.” Demi plucked the gifts out of his hands. “They’re stunning.”

“Like you,” he said smoothly. “I just wanted you to know I was thinking about you.”

Airport employees shouted at each other and zoomed by in luggage carts. A horn honked then Demi’s cell phone lit up with messages from her girlfriends, imploring her to kiss Chase. She wanted to, but wouldn’t. Not with her friends and family watching them from the limousine, critiquing every move she made. “I should go. Everyone’s waiting for me.”