“I’m in,” Demi said with a bright smile. “But, if I’m going to get my club on tonight, I need to eat a proper meal. Those mini sandwiches they served for lunch were cute, but they did nothing to pacify my hunger. I want some finger-lickin’-good soul food from the Barbecue Pit and I want it now.”

“Tell it! Just thinking about their baby back ribs is making my mouth water.” Char glanced out the window and her jaw dropped. “Who is the tall, dark and handsome hottie on the tarmac in the designer suit, and where has he been my whole life?”

“Let me see!” Shante moved Char aside then whistled. “Wow, he’s dreamy!”

Amused, Demi cracked up at her friend’s antics, but when she spotted Chase on the tarmac, holding balloons, flowers and an oversize heart-shaped box, she bolted upright in her seat. How did Chase know where to find me? Did he see my online posts? Her gaze returned to the window. Chase was outside and Demi didn’t know whether to curse or cheer. On one hand, she was thrilled to see him again, but on the other, she was annoyed that he’d showed up at the airport.

“Girl, I’m hungry, but not for food,” Akari piped up, licking her plump, pink lips.

Demi smirked. “Is that any way for a wholesome Christian woman to talk?”

“It is when she’s been celibate for two years.” Closing her eyes, Akari bowed her head, clasped her hands and spoke in a solemn voice. “The good book says ask and you shall receive, and that man right there is an answer to a prayer.” Akari did the church shuffle up and down the aisle, and Demi howled in laughter.

The intercom came on and the pilot’s voice filled the cabin. “The door is open, and you’re free to disembark at the front of the plane. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to see you again soon. Thank you for flying with LuxuryJet Airlines.”

“‘Free at last. Free at last. Thank God Almighty, I’m free at last!’” Althea jumped to her feet, grabbed her purse and sashayed through the cabin. “You guys better hurry up! I have things to do and people to see, so if you’re not in the limo in the next five minutes, I’m leaving you behind.”

Demi surged to her feet. She shuddered to think what would happen if Althea exited the plane first and approached Chase. Althea was as bold as she was loud, and Demi didn’t want her mom to scare Chase off before he had a chance to explain himself. He’d played her and she wanted to know why.

Demi smoothed a hand over her ponytail then inspected her outfit. Bread crumbs covered her mustard top and she had a coffee stain on her denim overalls. I’m a mess, she thought, straightening her crooked clothes. Chase is going to take one look at me and bolt.

Standing, she picked up her tote bag and made a beeline for the door. The sky was hazy, covered with thick, gray clouds, and the air smelled of diesel fuel. Baggage attendants unloaded the luggage in the cargo compartment of the plane then tossed them in the trunk of the black limousines parked on the tarmac. Slowly, Demi descended the stairs. She imagined herself tripping and falling flat on her face in front of Chase and shivered at the thought.

You can do this, encouraged her inner voice. You’re Demi Harris. A strong, fierce woman who can do anything she puts her mind to, so don’t let him see you sweat!

Walking tall, she pinned her shoulders back and exited the aircraft. Projecting confidence, she crossed the tarmac with more grace than the First Lady. His cologne carried on the evening breeze and the scent instantly calmed her nerves. Her limbs stopped shaking and the butterflies in her stomach disappeared. It was a tense situation, the most awkward moment of Demi’s life, but she smiled in greeting. Felt compelled to. He’d hurt her feelings, sure, but she was glad he was alive and well. That’s an understatement, she thought, licking her lips as she gave the app developer the once-over. He looks better than I remember and he smells divine!

Geneviève’s bodyguards marched toward Chase, asking him to identify himself, and he turned over his ID. Worried they’d rough him up, Demi explained he was a friend, and the bodyguards backed off.

“Chase, hey, what are you doing here?” she asked.

“I came to see you.” A broad smile curled his lips. “I hope that

’s okay.”

He lowered his head, but Demi stepped back, wisely moving away from him. Sadness flashed in his eyes, but she pretended not to notice the wounded expression on his face. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me, Demi thought, repeating her mother’s favorite quote in her mind. Chase couldn’t be trusted, and she wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice. It didn’t matter that he looked good and smelled of expensive aftershave.She had to keep her guard up.

“Well, well, well, who do we have here?”

At the sound of Althea’s voice, Demi winced then hung her head. Oh, brother!

“I’m Demi’s mother, Althea. Who are you?”

“My name is Chase Crawford and I’m a friend of your daughter’s.”

Demi bit down on her bottom lip. Friends? Yeah, right, she argued, her gaze glued to his mouth. Friends don’t do what we did in the bedroom.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, young man.” Althea studied him for a moment then cocked her head. “If you don’t mind me asking, what do you do for a living, where do you live, and what’s your net worth?”

“Mom!” Facing Chase, she wore an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry. You don’t have to answer that—”

“Like hell he doesn’t!” Althea bellowed, nodding with such gusto her curls bounced around her head. “These are crazy times we’re living in, and a beautiful, young woman like my Demi can never be too careful, so it’s important I know who her friends are.”

Chase wore a polite smile. “I couldn’t agree more.”

“Good,” Althea quipped. “Then answer the question or I’ll call airport security.”

“I’m a successful app developer, based in New York, and I split my time between the Hamptons and Manhattan,” he explained. “I have no children, no pets and I’ve never been married.”