Loud noises drowned out Ezekiel’s voice. His family members returned with cold drinks and snacks, and Chase devoured two submarine sandwiches. They discussed their plans for the evening and when he told them he was returning to Ibiza, they tried to dissuade him from reconnecting with Demi. He ignored them. His mind was made up. He’d made a mistake and he wanted to right his wrong before it was too late.

Chase considered his time in Ibiza. He’d purposely avoided telling anyone he met his last name for fear they’d Google him, but he wanted to come clean to Demi about his family, his business and his wealth. Next week, he was going to be the guest speaker at Temple University and he wanted to invite her to the event. Last night in bed, she’d mentioned her alma mater and he liked the idea of touring the campus with her. And more. Afterward, they’d have dinner, check out the sights and then return to his place to make love...

Chase spotted Jonas sprinting across the field and abandoned his thoughts. Something was wrong. He could sense it, feel it, noticed the troubled expression on his brother’s face. Since they were kids, they’d always been able to read each other’s minds, to pinpoint exactly what the other was feeling. Even though they were adults now, nothing had changed.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” Chase demanded, rising.

“We...have to go,” Jonas panted. “It’s Mom. She needs us...”

Everyone groaned, dismissed his announcement with a flap of their hands. Is Jonas for real? Chase thought, bewildered by his brother’s words. He wants us to go home because Estelle said so? Damn. That football to the face must have rattled his brain because he’s talking crazy! Estelle loved drama and routinely summoned them home for impromptu family meetings to share juicy gossip and to settle arguments she’d had with their father, but Chase wasn’t returning to New York tonight to appease his mother. He was going to return to Ibiza to see Demi and no one was going to stop him. Not even his twin brother.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Antonio said, adjusting his baseball cap. “Our vacation doesn’t end until Wednesday, and I plan to party hard for the next seventy-two hours.”

Eager to leave, Chase grabbed his backpack and lobbed it over his shoulder. He wanted to return to the hotel before dark, and hoped Demi was still there when he arrived. Since arriving in Ibiza, his family members had been calling the shots, dictating where and when they went out, but tonight Chase was putting his foot down. And, if they didn’t like it, so be it. “I’m staying, too. I’m exhausted and I need to catch up on sleep, so tell Mom we love her and we’ll see her in a few days.”

Jonas spoke in a firm voice. “We’re leaving tonight and that’s final.”

“Why? Because you’re mom’s favorite and you can’t stand up to her?” Remington jeered.

“No,” Jonas said, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. “Because mom had a heart attack and was rushed to Stony Brook Hospital.”

Chapter 11

The Bombardier Challenger 850 belonged to the president of Urban Beats Records, but Althea sashayed onto the private plane on Monday morning, giving orders to the staff as if she owned the aircraft. “I want a glass of Merlot and a toasted croissant for breakfast,” she announced, flipping her pashmina scarf dramatically over her shoulders.

Oh, brother, Demi thought with a heavy sigh. It’s going to be a long flight. Althea’s in fine form today! Sitting at the rear of the cabin, showing her girlfriends the pictures she’d taken in Ibiza Town, she tried to block out Althea’s shrill voice, but it was a losing battle. Demi kept one eye on her iPhone, and the other on her mom.

Yesterday, Althea had left her a scathing voice mail, accusing her of being thoughtless and jealous. If Demi hadn’t been relaxing poolside at the hotel with her girlfriends she would have called her mom back to set her straight. Deciding to take control of her life wasn’t selfish; it was brave and she wasn’t going to let Althea make her feel guilty for pursuing her dreams. For six long years she’d been Geneviève’s right hand and although she’d loved working for her sister, it was time to move on. To make a name for herself in her field and to live the life she’d always wanted—not the one her mom chose for her.

“Wow, look who’s here. My long-lost daughter, Demi. How nice of you to join us.”

Demi forced a smile onto her lips. For better or worse, they were family and, for the sake of Geneviève, she’d bite her tongue and keep the peace, even if it killed her. And there was no doubt in her mind that it would. These days, Althea’s snide com

ments brought out the worst in her. “Mother,” she said, glancing up from her cell. “It’s good to see you.”

It wasn’t, but she could tell by Althea’s pursed lips and stiff posture that she was in a foul mood, and Demi didn’t want to exacerbate the situation.

Geneviève and Roderick were sitting alone, cuddling at the front of the cabin, and watching the cozy twosome made her smile. Twinning from head to toe in Nike baseball caps, tracksuits and sneakers, they looked adorable together, and it was obvious they were madly in love. They held hands and kissed passionately, as if they were alone on the airplane. The record label had spared no expense decorating the Learjet. It had designer fixtures throughout the all-leather interior, crystal lamps, and the ivory-and-cream color scheme was striking.

“Where were you on Saturday night?” Althea demanded, her hands glued to her broad hips. Her sleeveless, turquoise dress was so tight it looked as if it was glued to her body. She was wearing a blond wig, heavy makeup and more jewelry than an east coast rapper. Oh, Mother, Demi thought, how many times do I have to tell you that less is more?

“I asked you a question, young lady, and I want an answer. Now.”

A hush fell over the cabin and Demi knew everyone was listening to Althea’s rant. Mom, let it go. I’m not in the mood for this. She didn’t want to cause a scene, but she was tired of Althea picking on her and she had to defend herself. Someone outside shouted orders in Spanish, drawing her attention to the side window. The sky was overcast, covered in clouds, and the blustery morning breeze whipped garbage in the air. Demi hoped the ground crew was finally ready for departure, because if the Learjet didn’t leave in the next five minutes, all hell was going to break loose.

“Why were you a no-show at Pacha Ibiza on Saturday night? Where were you?”

In my hotel suite, making love to a six-foot-six Adonis with juicy lips! Images of Chase bombarded her mind, derailing her thoughts. Hoping to run into him yesterday, she’d spent the afternoon hanging out at the hotel, but she hadn’t seen him anywhere. Demi was determined to forget about Chase and the passionate night they’d shared, even though her girlfriends had encouraged her to track him down online. Demi had balked at the suggestion, refused to consider it. She was a lot of things—impulsive, stubborn and impatient—but she wasn’t desperate and she’d rather be single than pursue a man who’d bailed on her.

“Something came up at the last minute, but I called to let you know I wouldn’t be there.” Taking off her Dior sunglasses, she met her mother’s gaze. “Didn’t you get my message?”

“‘Something came up at the last minute,’” Althea mimicked. “You are so selfish. Do you ever think of anyone but yourself?”

To avoid lashing out at her mom, Demi pressed her lips together. Althea smelled of nicotine and vodka, and the stench made her stomach churn.

“If it wasn’t for Gigi, no one would even know who you are, but instead of being grateful and devoted to your sister, you bail on her when she needs you most.”

Facing the window, Demi took a deep calming breath. Last year Geneviève had discovered that Althea had been selling fabricated stories about her to the media, and had threatened to fire her. Since then, Althea had been on her best behavior where Geneviève was concerned. It amazed Demi that her sister could forgive and forget what Althea had done, but she had, and now they had a healthier relationship. With Genevieve and Roderick’s wedding only six months away, Althea was becoming increasingly anxious and constantly took her frustrations out on Demi. But not today.