“What are you doing here?” she demanded. “Shouldn’t you be in your suite having wild, make-up sex with your on-again, off-again girlfriend?”

“No. I should be here with you.” Projecting confidence, he took a step forward. If she slapped him again, so be it, but he needed to be close to her. “And just so we’re clear, Juliet is not my girlfriend. We broke up months ago and I’ve moved on with my life.”

“You know what? I don’t care. It’s none of my business, so get out of here and don’t come back.”

Anticipating her next move, Chase stuck his foot in the way so she couldn’t slam the door in his face.

“Leave or I’ll call hotel security.”

Her cell phone lit up in the palm of her hand and she stared down at the screen. Sighing deeply, as if she had more problems than The Donald, she hung her head. Chase sensed her unease, her frustration, and wanted to do something to cheer her up. “Have dinner with me tonight at Nobu.”

“Will your significant other be joining us?” Demi looked at him with wide-eyed innocence but her voice had a bitter edge. “I better not. It’s obvious your college sweetheart is obsessed with you, and I don’t want to be labeled a home wrecker.”

“Demi, I don’t want her. I want you.”

“That’s too bad. You guys are sex buddies, and I don’t believe in sharing men.”

“No, we’re not. I swear. Juliet lied to make me look bad, and it worked,” he argued, desperate to get through to her. “I haven’t had sex in months, but I wouldn’t touch Juliet if she was lying naked on my bed, slathered in my favorite barbecue sauce.”

Demi pressed her lips together but Chase could tell by the amused expression on her face that she was trying not to laugh. He’d never planned to confide in Demi about the problems in his past relationship, and tried to figure out a way to change the topic without looking guilty.

“I find that hard to believe. She’s a cute girl and you dated for many years.”

“Can I come inside? Please?” he asked. “Let me come in and I’ll tell you everything you want to know.”

Demi raised a hand in the air. “You have five minutes. But if I think you’re feeding me a story, you’re out, got it?”

Entering the suite, he closed the door behind him and surveyed the spacious room. It had unique artwork and light fixtures, more plants than a botanical garden, and perfectly appointed furniture. The space was sophisticated, filled with the best décor money could buy, and the tasteful, acrylic paintings hanging on the walls complemented the luxurious surroundings. The curtains were open, revealing spectacular views of the island that reminded Chase of his romantic boat ride with Demi. Images of their steamy make-out session bombarded his mind and all he could think about was kissing her again.

“Tell me more about your past relationship.”

His throat was drier than cotton. He didn’t want to discuss his ex, or their tumultuous relationship, but he didn’t want Demi to think he was a dog, so he told her the truth. “We weren’t on the same page, or sexually incompatible and, over time, we grew apart.”

“But Juliet said she went down on you last night in the private elevator.”

Chase barked a laugh. “Yeah, right, and Beyoncé’s pregnant with my love child! Like I said, she lied.”

Demi smirked. “Go on. I’m listening.”

“Juliet and I aren’t lovers. Our mothers are best friends, so we see each other from time to time, but that’s the extent of it. We’re over, and I don’t want her back.”

“Likely story.” Demi wrinkled her nose, as if a skunk had sprayed the room, and tapped an index finger against her iPhone case. “Why should I believe you?”

“Because I’m crazy about you.”

“After one date?”

“After one date,” he repeated, meeting her gaze.

It was true; he was weak for her. Damn, if my brothers could see me now, they’d beat me with the throw cushions, then throw me off the balcony, he thought. Hell, Jonas would lead the charge!

Determined to have her, Chase pulled Demi to his chest and held her close. “You look sensational,” he said, fingering the ends of her hair. “Where are you going? I thought we were hanging out tonight.”

“I thought so, too, but your ex ruined my plans, so I made new ones.” Demi waltzed into the kitchen, opened the fridge and grabbed two wine coolers. “Genevieve is performing tonight at Pacha Ibiza and I want to be front and center during her sold-out show.”

Chase whistled. “Wow, you weren’t kidding about being her number-one fan. But from the way you were rapping with Easy E earlier, I figured you were west coast until you die.”

“Don’t let the dress fool you. I can spit rhymes with the best of them!” Laughing, she handed him a cooler, clinked his bottle with her own, and took a sip. “Cheers!”